Animation - The art of presenting still photographs with computer-based techniques to create the illusion of motion.
Multimedia - The integration of text, graphics, drawings, images, animation, audio, and other media to represent, store, transmit, and process information digitally.
Text - Characters used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs in multimedia.
Graphic - A digital representation of non-text information, such as a drawing, chart, or photograph.
Animation - Flipping through a series of still images to create an illusion of motion.
Video - Photographic images played back at speeds of 15 to 30 frames per second to create the appearance of full motion.
audio - Music, speech, or any other sound used in multimedia.
Linear Multimedia - Content that progresses without navigational control, such as a cinema presentation.
Non-linear Multimedia - Content that uses interactivity to control progress, such as a video game or self-paced computer-based training.
Interactive Multimedia - Multimedia where the user has control over the elements and can navigate through the content.
Advantages of Multimedia - User-friendly, multi-sensorial, integrated and interactive, flexible, suitable for various audiences.
Disadvantages of Multimedia - Information overload, time-consuming to compile, can be expensive, large files can affect loading time.