Cells are the smallestunit of life that can replicateindependently
Cell membrane controls which substance can pass in and out of the cell
Nucleus contains the genetic material/DNA of the cell so it controls the cell's activities
Cytoplasm is a jelly-like material containing nutrients and salts where chemicalreactions take place
Mitochondria is the site of aerobicrespiration, so they release energy for the cell to function
Ribosomes is the site of proteinsynthesis in a cell
Plant cells have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose which supports the structure and allows the cell to mantain it's shape
In a plant cell the chloroplasts carry out the process of photosynthesis, which involves using lightenergy from the sun to make glucose.
The greenpigment that absorbs the lightenergy is called chlorophyll. Which is what makes plants green.
In a plant cell the permanent vacuole is a large sac in the middle of the cell that contains a waterysolution of sugars and salts (cell sap). And It helps maintain the structure and shape of the cell.
Parts of cells are called subcellularstructures or organelles
Bacterial cells are prokaryotes
Bacterialcells are unicellular which means 1 cell
Bacterial cells have a single circular strand of DNA that containsgenes needed to surrvive and reproduce which is free to float around the cytoplasm
Somebacterialcells have a flagellum, which is a longtail that helps them move around / propels them forward
Some bacterial cells have plasmids that carry genes for antibioticresistance
Bacterialcellsnever have mitochondria or chloroplasts, and don't keep their geneticmaterial in a nucleus