
Cards (5)

  • "Colossal Wreck"
    • oxymoron
    • colossal = shows scale of destruction
    • wreck = human achievements are insignificant
  • "Look on my works, ye mighty and despair!"
    • look = ironic as nothing is left
    • works = celebrates the sculptor, not leader
    • despair = shame?
  • "And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command"
    • wrinkled = suggests Ramasses II was already fading, teaches people that you shouldn't latch onto power
    • sneer = no interest or sympathy to people
    • cold command = consonance, reflects lack of compassion
  • "I met a traveller from an antique land"
    • met = distances speaker from the statue and what it represents
    • antique land = long-forgotten
  • "The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed"
    • hand = the sculptor, who was capable of highlighting Ozymandas' true qualities
    • heart that fed = sculptor that gave the truth and allowed it to be spread(to the traveller)