Web services Help operate websites that can help you locate information you need
Special program that continually looks for new information and updates the search services
Search engine
Specialized programs that assists you in locating information on the web and internet
Specialized Search Engine
Focus on Subject-specific websites
Content Evaluation is a type of search tool
electronic commerce/ e-commerce
Is the buying and selling of goods over the internet
3 types of electronic commerce
>Business to consumer(B2C) >Consumer to Consumer(C2C) >Business to Business(B2B)
Business to Consumer(B2C)
>Is the sales of a product or service to the general public or end user >e-commerce fastest is B2C >Online banking & Financial trading & Shopping
Consumer to Consumer(C2C)
>Individuals selling to individuals >Most often an electronic form of ads or auctions >web auctions-Sellers post description of product on a website & buyers submit bids electronically
Web Auctions
>Similar to traditional auctions except buyers seldom meet if ever face to face >Auction house sites- Sell a wide range of merchandise directly to bidders(E-Bay) >Person to Person auction sites-Operate more lie flea markets the owner of the site provides a forum for numerous buyers and sellers to communicate(OLX)
Business to Business(B2B)
>Involves the sale of a product or service from one business to another >Typically manufacturer-supplier relationship
Challenges with e-commerce
>Developing fast, secure and reliable payment methods of purchased goods >Providing convenient ways to submit required information such as mailing addresses and credit information
(e-commerce)2 basic payments options are by credit card & digital cash