Ch. 13

Cards (13)

  • Uterus:
    • Fundal Height - Measured in C_ from the P_ S_ to the T_ of the most portion of the U_
    • Lightening - Baby is D_
    • Changes in C_ - B_ H_ is F_ labor, P_ and I_
    • Uteroplacental B_ F_ - Is to the P_?
    Cm, pubic symphysis, top, uterus, dropping, contractility, braxton hicks, false, practice, irregular, blood flow, placenta
  • Fetus:
    • H_ S_ - P_ during exam and S_ of the lower U_ segment _ wks to _ months
    • B_ - Passive M_ of the fetus ( _ to _ weeks) and T_ on cervix and feels T_
    • Q_ - First fetal M_ felt
    • Multiparous _ to _ wks, G_ B_ and L_ F_
    • Nulliparous _ wks or later and it is _ time?
    • hegar sign, palpate, softening, uterine, 6, 3, ballottement, movement, 16, 18, tapping, thump, quickening, movement, 16, 18, gas bubbles, little flutters, 18, first
  • Cervix:
    • G_ S_ - S_ of the C_
    • F_ - T_ is easily D_ and E_
    • O_ - M_ P_ and P_ B_
    • A_ - No P_ thru out pregnancy
    • C_ S_ - Changes in T_ and V_ B_ color of the V_ M_ (_ to _ wks)
    • L_ - M_ D_?
    Goodell sign, softening, cervix, friable, tissue, damaged, enlarged, operculum, mucus plug, protective barrier, amenorrhea, periods, Chadwick sign, tissue, violet-blue, vaginal mucous, 6, 8, leukorrhea, mucous discharge
  • Breasts:
    • Montgomery T_ - S_ R_ N_ P_ like appearance of nipple
    • Colostrum - _ M_
    • Striae G_ - S_ M_ that may cause I_
    • Preparation for L_
    • Growth of M_ D_
    • Lactogenesis Stage _?
    Tubercles, Small rough nodular pimple, first milk, gravidarum, stretch marks, irritation, lactation, milk ducts, 1
  • Cardiovascular System:
    • Slight H_
    • BP - Stays the S_ or slight D_
    • Increase can cause P_
    • Increase in Blood V_ which may cause E_
    • Increase in cardiac O_
    • Heart E_ and may cause a systolic M_
    • Blood components - Increase in R_ mass and is A_ in pregnancy
    • Circulation may cause risk to D_
    • Inferior Vena Cava Syndrome - S_ H_ syndrome, No lying on B_?
    hypertrophy, same, decrease, preeclampsia, volume, edema, output, enlargement, murmur, rbc, anemia, dvt, supine hypotensive, back
  • Respiratory:
    • Elevated levels of E_ allowing increased C_ E_
    • Maternal O_ and C_ A_ increases
    • Increase in V_ of upper respiratory tact that may cause N_ B_, C_, R_ N_, I_
    • W_ and P_ of chest
    • Increase in B_ M_ rate?
    estrogen, chest expansion, oxygen, costal angle, vascularity, nose bleeds, congestion, runny nose, inflammation, widening, pressure, basal metabolic
  • Gastrointestinal:
    • S_ M_ and G_ - Easily B_ and E_ which is R_ N_ of the gums
    • N_ and V_ - M_ S_ and Hyperemesis gravidarum is S_
    • P_ - C_ N_ F_ I_
    • P_ - Excessive S_
    • C_ - Fruits, Fiber, Fluids
    • A_ D_
    • P_ - H_, Don't L_ D_ after meals, Eat S_ F_ meals?
    swollen mouth, gums, bleeding, epulis, red nodules, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, severe, pica, craving nonfood items, ptyalism, salvation, constipation, abdominal distress, pyrosis, heartburn, lie down, small frequent
  • Renal:
    • Bladder S_ and F_ F_
    • Carefully evaluate a woman with H_ and P_
    • Risk for U_
    • T_ R_ is impaired?
    softening, feeling frequency, hypertension, proteinuria, uti, tubular reabsorption
  • Integumentary:
    • Melasma (C_ or M_ of pregnancy) - Brownish H_ of the skin
    • L_ N_ - B_ L_ that is V_ line of the belly during pregnancy
    • A_ - Vasular S_
    • P_ E_
    • P_ G_ - Itching
    • PUPPP- P_ U_ P_ and P_ of pregnancy?
    chloasma, hyperpigmentation, linea nigra, black line, vertical, angiomata, spiders, palmar edema, pruritus gravidarum, pruritic urticarial papules, plagues
  • Musculoskeletal:
    • Risk for F_
    • L_
    • L_ B_ P_
    • C_ T_
    • C_ C_
    • D_ A_ - growing of the U_ causes S_ of the abdominal wall?
    falls, lordosis, low back pain, carpal tunnel, calf cramps, diastasis abdominis, uterus, stretching
  • Neurologic:
    • Be alert of H_
    • Ask F_ about them, Don't D_
    • Alterations in S_
    • Sense of S_ H_
    • L_ and F_ may occur?
    headaches, further, dismiss, sleep, smell heightened, lightheadedness, fatigue
  • Endocrine and Immune:
    • H_ are E_ for maintenance, normal fetal growth, and PP recovery
    • I_ S_ functions to protect mother against I_ while also preventing R_ of fetus?
    hormones, essential, immune system, infection, rejection
  • Pregnancy Test:
    • HCG - Production begins as early as D_ of I_
    • Can be detected _ to _ days after C_
    • Use a _ V_ M_ urine specimen
    • If done at the time of M_ P_ and N_; repeat in _ W_
    • False Negative - I_ C_, P_ and D_
    • False Positive - A_ C_, T_
    day, implantation, 7, 10, conception, first void morning, missed period, negative, 1 week, improper collection, promethazine, diuretics, anticonvulsive, tranquilizers