
Cards (18)

  • Assessment of Risk Factors:
    • B_
    • P_
    • S_
    • E_?
    biophysical, psychosocial, sociodemographic, environmental
  • Biophysical Assessment:
    • D_ F_ M_ C_
    • Used to monitor fetus C_ by C_ that may affect O_
    • K_ C_ should be _ movements in a _hr period
    • Fewer than _ kicks in _ hr warrants further evaluation by N_
    • Alarm Signal
    • N_ M_ in a _ hr period
    • See if M_ decreases movement?
    daily fetal movement count, complicated, conditions, oxygenation, kick counts, 10, 2, 3, 1, nst, no movement, 12, meds
  • Ultrasound:
    • Fetal Well-being scan - _wks
    • Fetal surveillance - T_ most common during _ trimester
    • Standard - B_
    • L_ - _ A_
    • S_ - Really looks at S_ items?
    20, transvaginal, first, basic, limited, 1 aspect, specialized, specific
  • Indications for Ultrasound:
    • Fetal H_ A_, G_, and A_
    • G_ A_
    • P_ P_ and F_
    • Fetal G_ D_ and P_ A_
    • N_ screening?
    • heart activity, growth, anatomy, gestation age, placenta position, function, genetic disorders, physical anomalies, nt
  • Fetal Well-Being
    • D_ B_ F_ A_
    • A_ F_ V_ - AFI
    • Less than _ cm - O_
    • _ cm or greater - P_
    • B_ F_ in W_ F_ and P_
    • Severe restriction is indicated by A_ of R_ F_ during D_ and associated with I_
    doppler blood flow analysis, amniotic fluid volume, 5, oligo, 25, poly, blood flow, women, fetus, placenta, artery, reversed flow, diastole, IUGR
  • Five Parameters of BPP:
    • B_ - Needs to be then _ sec or more per _ mins
    • M_ - Fewer than _ movements not good
    • T_ - Need at least _ movement
    • A_ - > _ cm or < _ cm in _ pocket
    • N_ - Reactive and non-reactive?
    breathing, 30, 30, movement, 3, tone, 1, afi, 5, 2, 1, nst
  • Scoring of BPP:
    • _ - _ = N_
    • _ - _ = S_ C_ A_
    • _ - _ = C_ A_?
    8, 10, normal, 4, 6, suspect chronic asphyxia, 0, 2, chronic asphyxia
  • Biophysical Profile (BPP)
    • P_ A_ of the F_
    • N_ U_ A_
    • Assesses A_ F_ V_, F_ B_ M_, T_
    • Can include N_?
    physical assessment, fetus, noninvasive ultrasound assessment, amino fluid volume, fetal breath movements, tone, nst
  • Amniocentesis:
    • _ wks or later
    • Used for
    • G_ C_
    • F_ M_ - _:_ M_
    • Potential Complications
    • L_
    • H_
    • R_ isoimmunization
    • I_ and L_
    • P_ A_ and I_?
    • 15, genetic concerns, fetal maturity, 2, 1, mature, lof, hemorrhage, rh, infection, labor, placental abruption, injury
  • Amniocentesis:
    • R_ should be administered to Rh _ mothers (covers A_ chance of B_ M_)
    • If infections hurts the baby who is Rh_ give R_?
    rhogam, negative, any, blood mixing, negative, rhogam
  • Chorionic Villus Sampling:
    • Needle inserted transc_ and transa_ to obtain a tissue sample from the fetus
    • For G_ S_
    • E_ dx is R_ R_
    • Performed _ to _ wks
    • Give R_ if mother is Rh _?
    cervical, abdominal, genetic studies, earlier, rapid results, 10, 13, rhogam, negative
  • Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein (MSAFP)
    • Used to screen for N_ T_ D_ in pregnancy
    • Performed between _ to _ wks with _ to _ wks being ideal
    • Triple-and quad-screening to detect A_ T_
    • High - N_ T_ D_
    • Low - D_ S_?
    • neural tube defects, 15, 20, 16, 18, autosomal trisomies, neural tube defects, down syndrome
  • Coombs' Test:
    • Screening for R_ I_
    • Detects O_ A_ that may place fetus at risk for I_ with material A_?
    rh incompatibility, other antibodies, incompatibility, antigens
  • Cell-free DNA screening in maternal blood:
    • N_ P_ G_ testing
    • Provides D_ Dx N_ for fetal R_ S_, G_, and certain P_ transmitted S_ G_ disorders
    • Performed early as _ wks
    • Results in about _ business days?
    noninvasive prenatal genetic, definitive, noninvasively, rh staus, gender, paternally, single gene, 10, 10
  • Electronic Fetal Monitoring for Antepartums:
    • Does the I_ E_ continue to support the F_
    • N_ Test (NST)
    • Reactive - N_, _ A_ in _ min period
    • Nonreactive - R_ F_ E_, N_ A_ at A_?
    • intrauterine environment, fetus, non-stress, normal, 2 accelerations, 20, requires further evaluation, no accelerations, all
  • Contraction Stress Test:
    • If B_ can T_ without D_
    • Tested N_ T_ close to D_ D_
    • O_ stimulation
    • N_ is G_
    • P_ is B_ (late FHR D_ with _% or more C_)?
    baby, tolerate, decelerations, not too, due date, oxytocin, negative, good, positive, bad, decelerations, 50, contractions
  • Nursing Role in Antepartal:
    • Assessment for R_
    • P_ E_
    • Anticipatory P_
    • C_ for family A_
    • S_ P_
    • May P_ some A_
    risk, provide education, planning, counseling, adaptation, support person, perform, assessments
  • Vibroacoustic Stimulation:
    • Performed in conjunction with N_
    • Used to stimulate F_ M_ and H_ R_ accelerations using S_ and V_
    • Fetus monitoring _ mins before stimulation to obtain heart rate
    • Stimulator applied for _ seconds on the maternal abdomen over fetal H_
    • Can be repeated at _ min intervals up to _ times when no R_ occurs?
    nst, fetal movement, heart rate, sound, vibration, 5, 3, 1, 3, response