Social Learning Theory

Cards (8)

    • Pioneered by Bandura in 1960s  
    • Agreed with behavioural 
    • Difference is that he thinks people learn through the observation and imitation of role models through 
    • Vicarious reinforcement and mediational processes 
  • Vicarious reinforcement 
    • Imitate behaviour if that behaviour is seen to be rewarded 
    • Or choosing not to by observing the consequence of that behaviour 
    • We want to be copy the rewarded behaviour in the anticipation of a reward for ourselves 
  • Identification
    • Likely to choose who we imitate 
    • Role models
    • Similar characteristics (age, sex, interests..) 
    • High status 
    • Attractive 
    • Charismatic 
    • For children: parents or older siblings (same sex
    • Role models do not need to be present in the room 
  • Mediational processes
    1. Attention - to what extent was the behaviour noticed 
    2. Retention - how well was the behaviour remembered 
    3. Motor reproduction - how able the observer is to recreate the behaviour 
    4. Motivation - the will to carry out the observed behaviour, normally determined if role model was punished or not 
  • Bobo doll study (Bandura et al. 1961)
    • Recorded the behaviour of young children who watched an adult behave in an aggressive way towards a bobo doll 
    • Children who observed an aggressive adult were more likely to reproduce this behaviour and be aggressive to the bobo doll 
  • + the recognition of cognitive factors in learning
    • Neither classical or operant offer an adequate explanation of learning by themselves 
    • Humans and animals rely on the behaviour of others to make judgements about their own actions and when it's appropriate to perform them. 
    • Learning would be dangerous and laborious if we only relied on the effects of our own actions to inform us of what to do
    SLT provides a more comprehensive account of human learning 
  • -- ignoring biological factors 
    • States that learning itself was determined by the environment 
    • Recent research suggests that observational learning could be the result of mirror neurons 
    • They allow us to empathise and imitate 
    Suggests that biological factors are under-emphasised
  • -- evidence behind SLT comes from experiment in lab on young children 
    • Bobo doll = artificial 
    • Could be demand characteristics
    Means that such research may tell us very little about how children and adults learn in everyday life