Head develops more rapidly than lower part of body
cephalocaudal growth
What is the best estimate of a child's physical maturity?
skeletal age
A return to genetically determined growth once conditions improve
catch-up growth
When an infant's weight is below age-related growth norms
weight faltering
What is better: breastmilk or formula
Energy needs are double that of an adult for infants
How long should the mother breastfeed for?
WHO - 2 years; U.S. - 1st6 months
What does lead do the brain?
Causing swelling as a neurotoxin
What effect does lead have on human behavior?
Causes antisocial behavior and impacts cognitive development
Some countries value an interdependent infant that prefers co-sleeping, while America values an independent self
Nerve cells that store and transmit information
tiny gaps where fibers from different neurons come close together
when neurons that are unstimulated lose their synapses
synaptic pruning
cells responsible for myelination; make up half of the brain's volume
glial cells
chemical messages that are sent by neurons across synapses
What are the six processes of brain development?
Differentiation, including synaptogenesis
Celldeath and synapticpruning
Coating of neural fibers with an insulating sheath called myelin
The specialization of the two hemispheres in the brain
Growth and development of nervous tissue
Movement of cells from one part of the body to another
cell migration
Formation of synapses between neurons
Is lateralization adaptive?
Cells that fire together...
wire together
Is brain development bidirectional?
Part of the brain responsible for thoughts
prefrontal cortex
Largest part of the brain, made up of two hemispheres
cerebral cortex
What is the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex responsible for?
Verbal abilities and logic
What is the right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex responsible for?
spatial abilities and negative emotions
What is the concept that states that experiences sculpts the brain?
brain plasticity
When the brain is more plastic, the infant has...
a higher capacity for learning
What physical activity assists brain plasticity?
Infants who do not have experiences that shape brain plasticity are affected in all domains of development
When healthy brain regions take over the functions of damaged areas
crowding effect
What is the time called when normal rearing experiences must occur for an infant to have a natural development?
Sensitive period
Changes in behavior as a result of experience
when a neutral stimulus is paired with a stimulus that leads to a response
classical conditioning
Before an infant can learn, an unconditioned stimulus must consistently produce an unconditioned response
To produce learning, a neutral stimulus is presented just before or at the same time as the unconditioned stimulus
If learning has occurred, the neutral stimulus is now associated with the unconditioned stimulus in a conditioned response. This makes the neutral stimulus a conditioned stimulus.