once a close friend of freud, Jung saw the unconscious as having two parts, the personal and collective unconsciousness.
Alfred Adler
individual psychology: an anti freudian
Karen Horney
argued that women envied mens status in society, not their penises
Hans Eysenck and Sybil Eysenck
used factor analysis to analyze traits and arrived at three genetically influenced dimensions of personality called temperaments. the three dimensions are extra/introversion, neuroticism/ stability, psychotism/ socialization.
Paul Costa and Robert McCrae
they developed the five factor model also known as the big five
Julian Rotter
2 core assumptions: one is that the choices people make shed light on their personality, the second is that people will engage in activities to achieve their physiological needs. and cognitive expectancy and locus of control
Carl Rogers
had humanists views of personality
Abraham Maslow
embraced the basic goodness in human nature, he was a humanist