Accountingisaninformation systemthatprovidesaccountinginformationforstakeholderstomakeinformed decisionsregardingthemanagementofresourcesandperformanceofbusinesses. *stakeholders are people that have investment in the business*
Role of accountants
Accountantsprepareandprovideaccountinginformation for decision-making by setting uptheaccountinginformationsystem (AIS)
Accountantsbecomestewardsofthebusinessandaregivenresponsibilitytomanagetheresources. (*A steward does not own the business but work for the owner*)
Accountantsthinkcritically, solveproblems, adapt and provideaccountingand non-accounting information for decision-making.
Accountants provide timely, relevant, and credibleinformation, based on accounting theories, which are easily and appropriatelyunderstood by stakeholders.
Professional ethics
stakeholders place trust in the information provided by accountants, who must adhere to professional ethics, uphold integrity and objective'
Integrity and objectivity
An accountant with integrity is straightforward and honest in all professional relationships
An accountant who is objective will not let biased, conflict of interest or the undue influence of others override his or her professional judgement .e.g. boss promises to give a higher bonus if accountant reports a higher profit or lower loss. Accountant should say no
Stakeholders of accounting information are groups of people who will make useofinformation about the business to make decisions.
Suppliers: whether to sell to the business on credit, depending on its ability to pay
employees: Security of their jobs and whether to expect any bonuses
lenders: Whether to grant loans to the business, and ability of business to repay the loan principal and interest
owners and shareholders: whether to invest in the business or sell the business, depending on the risks and returns related to the business
managers: Whether to consider ways to improve the performance of the business
customers: Whether to buy from the business, depending on business ability to provide goods or services, as well as after-sales support service
competitors: Compare their performance against the business and decide how to improve their performance
government: Whether the business complies with the tax regulations and decides the amount of tax to be collected from the business.
Stakeholders rely on both accounting information and non-accounting information that are not shown on financial statements for decision-making
Which goods to buy
-cost of inventory
-storage cost
→types of storage
→nature of product
→consumer preference
credit worthiness of customer
- trade receivables balance
- credit terms and cash discount
- number of days trade receivables overdue
- existing customers history of repayment
→economic outlook
→specific industry outlook
→reputation of customer
→customers history of repayment
which supplier to buy from
cost of inventory
cost of terms
cash discount
cash of supplies
cost of non-current assets
delivery charges
trade discount
cost of services
→local or overseas supplier
→after-sales service
→return policy
→online vs brick and mortar supplier
→reputation of supplier
accounting entity is the activities of a business are separate from the actions of the owner. all transaction are recorded from the pointofview of the business
accounting period is the lifeofabusiness is divided into regularintervals
going concern, a business is assumed to have an indefiniteeconomiclife unless there is credibleinformation that it may closedown
historical cost, transactions should be recorded at their originalcost
monetary, only business transactions that can be measured in monetary terms are recorded
objectivity, accounting information recorded must be supported by reliable and verifiable evidence so that financialstatements will be free from opinions and biases
Formula:Assets = Liability + Capital + Income - Drawings - Expenses
Assets + Drawings + Expenses = Liability + Capital + Income
D.E.A.D = C.L.I.C
Assets→ Resources usually owned or controlled by the business to carry out its business activities.
2) Liabilities
→ Liabilities are amount owed by the business to otherbusinesses.
3) Equity→ Amount contributed to the business by the owners.
A bank overdraft happens when you spend moremoney than youhave in your bank account.
Cost of sales
The cost of sales refers to the expenses directly related to producing or purchasing the goods or services that a company sells. It includes things like the cost of rawmaterials, labor, and manufacturing. It's like the ingredients and labor costs for a bakery to make and sell their cakes.