The ability of the lens to show two adjacent objects as discrete entities
The microscope resolution is dependent on what factors?
Wavelengthof light, numerical aperture, refractive index
Defined as the function of the diameter of the objective lens in relation to its focal length
Numerical aperture
The bending power of light passing through air from the glass slide to the objective lens
Refractive index
For efficient magnification and resolution
Refers to objectives that can be changed with minimal or no refocusing.
The difference in light intensity between the specimen image and the adjacent background relative to the overall background intensity.
Give four (4) examples of a light microscope
Bright field microscope, phase contrast microscope, dark field microscope, flourescence microscope
A three-dimensional imaging microscopy that uses a polarizer to create two distinct beams of polarized light. Gives structures such as endospores, vacuoles, and granules a three-dimensional appearance.
A three-dimensional imaging microscopy that uses a computerized microscope coupled with a laser source. Computer can focus the laser on single layers of the specimen. Resolution is 0.1µm
Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy (CSLM)
A microscope that uses electrons instead of photons to image cells and structures
Electron microscope
Give two (2) types of Electron microscope
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
A type of electron microscope where electromagnets function as lenses. System operates in a vacuum. High magnification and resolution (0.2 nm). Visualized structures at the molecular level. Specimen must be very thin (20-60 nm) and be stained
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
A type of Electron microscope where the specimen is coated with a thin film of heavy metal (e.g. gold). An electron beams scans the object. Scattered electrons are collected by a detector and an image is produced. Even very large specimens can be observed. Magnification range of 15x - 100,000x
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Composed of nutrients used for the growth and identification of microorganisms.
Culture media
In solid media, how many percent of agar is added to the nutrient components as a solidifying agent?
1.5% to 2.0%
In semi-solid media, how many percent of agar is added to the nutrient components as a solidifying agent?
0.5% to 1.0%
In liquid media, how many percent of agar is added to the nutrient components as a solidifying agent?
No agar / 0.0%
A culture media for the cultivation of non-fastidious microorganisms.
Simple media
Give an example of a simple media
Nutrient agar
A culture media that contains additional nutrient sources for the growth of fastidious microorganisms
Enriched media
Give three (3) examples of enriched media
Brain Heart Infusion media (BHI), Blood agar plate, Chocolate agar plate
Culture media that contain nutrients that allow a particular group of organisms that might not be present in sufficient numbers in the specimen to be isolated and identified
Enrichment media
Give an example of Enrichment mediaand its use
Selenite F – for the enrichment of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi in a fecal specimen
Culture media that contain ingredients that inhibit the growth of certain bacteria while permitting the growth of others
Selective media
An example of selective media and its use
Mannitol salt agar for the growth of salt tolerant staphylococci
Culture media that allow colonies of one kind of organism to be distinguished from another. The media usually have constituents that cause observable changes in them when a particular biochemical reaction occurs
Differential media
Give an example of Differential media and its use
MacConkeyagar allows the differentiation of lactose fermenters (red colonies) from non-lactose fermenters (colorless colonies)
Culture media that can not be heated are sterilized through what process?
Filtration using a membrane filter such as the cellulose nitratefilter
Membranes with pore diameters of 0.45μ are usually used for what?
Removing of bacteria and other contaminants
Membranes with pore diameters of 0.2μ are usually used for what?
Removing of viruses from the filtrate
Most culture media that are heat stable are sterilized using what?
Steam under pressure such as autoclaving
What is the sufficient temperature to effect sterilization in autoclaving?
121 degrees celsius (250 degrees F) for 15 to 20 minutes
What should be applied to reach the sufficient temperature in autoclaving?
A pressure of 15 lbs/in^2 (1.06 kgs/cm^2 ) to steam.
How much exposure time should be given to bigger volumes of materials?
Longer exposure time
What indicators are used for sterilization?
Autoclave tape, paper strips or bacterial endospores
The sterilization basket should be placed at the _____, while the decontamination basket should be placed at the _____.
Sterilization basket at top, decontamination basket at bottom
Nutrient agar consists of what elements?
3g beef extract, 5g peptone, 15g agar, 1000g distilled water