Cards (7)

  • Filter theory:
    • Suggesting that we chose romantic partners - Using a series of filters (Stages) narrowing down the 'filed of available' then we make our own choice
    • 3 main factors of how me make our choice
  • Social Demography - 1st Level of filter:
    • Variables such age, class, religion, social background and geographical location
    • Reduce range of people we are to meet and interact with
    • People too far or old or in different social class
    • Anyone too different - filtered out
    • Homogamy - More likely to form a relationship with someone who is socially and culturally similar to yourself
  • Similarity in attitudes - 2nd level of filter:
    • Peoples psychological characteristics specifically their agreement on attituded and basic value
    • Kerckhoff and Davis: Found that similarity in attitudes were of central importance at the start of the relationship and biggest predictor of the relationships being stable
    • Value and beliefs dramatically differ - Filtered out
    • Bryne: Similarity causes attraction
  • Complementarity - 3rd level of filter:
    • People with different needs
    • Two partners complement each other - Fulfil each others needs
    • E.g. Relationship when one person loves laughing and other like to make people laugh - Complementary
    • More important in long term couples - Opposites attract
    • Complementarity - Attractive because it give two romantic partners the feeling the form a whole
  • Evaluation of filter theory - Support from research evidence:
    • FT assumes key factors in relationship change over time - face validity as it agrees with most people experience with romantic relationships
    • Winch: Found evidence that similarities of personality, interests and attitudes between partners are typical or the earliest stages of a relationship
  • Evaluation of filter theory - Direction of cause and effect:
    • FT suggests that people are initially attracted to each other because they are similar
    • Evidence that this direction of causality is wrong
    • Anderson: Longitudinal study - Cohabiting partners become more similar in emotional responses over time - Emotional convergence
    Limitation: Not found / predicted by the filter theory
  • Evaluation of filter theory - Failure to replicate
    • Social changes + Difficulties in defining depth in terms of length
    • Kerckhoff + Davis - Chose an 18 month cut of point between LTR and STR - Assumed partners together longer = More committed
    • Can't apply to heterosexual couples meaning homosexual ones too
    Limitation: Lack of validity in finding meaning low generalisability