Anthropological linguistics is concerned with the place of language in its wider social and culturalcontext
It focuses on the role of language in forging and sustainingculturalpractices and social structures
Anthropological linguistics overlaps with sociolinguistics, but views language through the prism of the coreanthropologicalconcept, culture
Sociolinguistics views language as a social institution within which individuals and groups carry out social interaction
Anthropological linguistics seeks to uncover the meaning behind the use, misuse, or non-use of language, its different forms, registers, and styles
Sociolinguistics seeks to discover how linguistic behavior patterns correlate with social groupings and differences in linguistic behavior with variables defining social groups such as age,sex, class, race, etc.
An anthropological linguistic approach peels away at language to find cultural understandings
Sociolinguistics notes correlations between pronunciationvariations and socialgroupings, while anthropological linguistics delves into the meaning behind these variations
For example, the pronunciation of the progressive/gerundive ending can be correlated with socialvariables like maleness and working class, indicating a strong masculine self-identity
In a Yimas village in Papua New Guinea, the choice between Yimas vernacular and Tok Pisin is tied to traditional village life versus the modern world and wider national identity
Silence among the Cibecue Apache signifies unpredictability and potential danger in social interactions, reflecting the cultural value of predictability in social roles