Ring main + microgeneration

Cards (12)

  • The ring main is connected to the National Grid, transporting elec to all plug sockets in the house
  • RIng main consists of 3 wires: live, neutral + earth
    1. Ring main advantages:
    2. easier to add new plugs to separate wires
    3. Safer: we can hide so it's not cut
    4. Every plug socket = same V
  • To add an extra socket, copy the lines
  • MICROGENERATION = generating your own electricity
  • Microgeneration = sustainable/renewable (helps Earth) + cheaper elec bills
  • F.I.T (feed in tarrif) = price of unused microgeneration energy (solar panels) sold to National Grid
  • Main ways of Microgeneration = - solar panels
    -Wind turbines
    sometimes called photovoltaic cells
  • solar panels = microgeneration
  • Wind turbines = Microgeneration
  • Microgeneration = uses photovoltaic cells
  • Advantage = wires can be thinner as there are two different current pathways