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Cards (8)

  • Reasons why we are disaster-prone:
    • Typhoon Belt
    • Pacific Ring of Fire
  • Risk factors underlying disaster:
    1. Climate Change
    2. Environmental Degradation
    3. Globalized Economic Development
    4. Poverty and Inequality
    5. Poorly Planned and Managed Urban Development
    6. Weak Governance
  • Disaster Risk:
    • Potential loss of life or damaged assets that could occur
  • Function of Disaster Risk:
    • Hazard: a process, phenomenon, or human activity that causes loss of life
    • Types of Hazard:
    • Natural Hazard: predominantly associated with natural processes
    • Anthropogenic Hazard (human-induced hazards): predominantly by human activities
    • Vulnerability: susceptibility of an individual to the impacts of a hazard
    • Capacity: combination of all strengths
    • Exposure: situation of people in hazard-prone areas
  • World Risk Index (2013):
    • Philippines is ranked 3 (27.52)
  • Impact of Disaster:
    • Effects of disaster on people, buildings, and society
    • Losses: measure of the damage caused by disaster
    • Monetary for physical assets
    • Number of fatalities and injuries
    • Direct Losses: physical or structural impact
    • Indirect Losses: subsequent or secondary results of initial destruction
    • Gains: demands of construction material and expertise following
  • Impact of Disaster includes:
    • Displaced People
    • Food Scarcity
    • Health Risk
    • Lost Productivity
    • Supply Chains Disruption
    • Lost Investment
    • Lost Education
    • Homelessness
    • Mental Health
    • Intangible Cultural Impact
    • Emotional Aftershocks
    • Infrastructure and Property Damages
    • Economic Loss
  • Disasters from different perspectives:
    1. Physical Perspective: damages to physical elements such as people and buildings
    2. Psychological Perspective: serious mental health effects
    3. Socio-cultural Perspective: behavior of communities
    4. Economic Perspective: losses on human physical or financial aspects
    5. Political Perspective: role of government
    6. Biological Perspective: impact on living organisms