atomic/ nuclear energy= when it is stored inside atoms
chemical energy= stored in chemical substances
dissipated= spread out
efficiency= proportion of energy transferred to a useful form
Energy: something that is needed to make things happen or change.
joules (J): a unit for measuring energy.
Kinetic energy: a term used to describe energy when it is stored in moving
Law of conservation of energy: the idea that energy can never be created or
destroyed, only transferred from one form to another.
Power: the amount (rate) of energy transferred per second. The units are
watts (W).
System: a set of things being studied. For example, a kettle, the water in it
and its surroundings form a simple system.
Thermal energy: a term used to describe energy when it is stored in hot
objects. The hotter something is, the more thermal energy it has. Sometimes
called ‘heat energy’.
Useful energy: energy transferred to where it is wanted in the way that is
Wasted energy: energy that is not usefully transferred.
watts (W): the unit for measuring power. 1 watt = 1 joule of energy
transferred every second.
Work: the energy transferred by a force. Work done (joules, J) = force
(newtons, N) x distance moved in the direction of the force (metres, m).
Work done: a measure of the energy transferred when a force acts through
a distance.
Describe the energy transfers that happen when an object falls.
Describe the energy transfers that happen when a falling object hits the
ground without bouncing back.
Conserving energy is key to reducing our reliance on nonrenewable resources,
A closed system is a natural physical system that does not allow transfer of matter in or out of the system,
A closed system is an isolated system in which no energy transfers take place out of or into the energy stores of the system. Energy can be transferred between energy stores within a closed system
Write down which materials make the best conductors.
Write down which materials make the best insulators.
Describe how the thermal conductivity of a material affects the rate of