
Subdecks (1)

Cards (31)

  • Insufficient centrifugation will result in: A false increase in hematocrit (Hct) value.
  • Variation in red cell size observed on the
    peripheral smear is described as: Anisocytosis
  • Which of the following is the preferable site for
    bone marrow aspiration and biopsy in an adult: Iliac crest
  • Mean cell volume (MCV) is calculated using the
    following formula: (Hct ÷ RBC) × 10
  • What term describes the change in shape of
    erythrocytes seen on a Wright’s-stained peripheral
    blood smear: Poikilocytosis
  • Calculate the mean cell hemoglobin concentration
    (MCHC) using the following values:
    Hgb: 15 g/dL (150 g/L) Hct: 47 mL/dL (0.47)
    RBC: 4.50 × 106/μL (4.50 × 1012/L):31.9% (.319)
  • If a patient has a reticulocyte count of 7% and an Hct of 20%, what is the corrected reticulocyte count? 3.1%
  • A decreased osmotic fragility test would be
    associated with which of the following conditions? Sickle cell anemia
  • What effect would using a buffer at pH 6.0 have
    on a Wright’s-stained smear? Red cells would be stained too pink
  • Which of the following erythrocyte inclusions can
    be visualized with supravital stain but cannot be
    detected on a Wright’s-stained blood smear? Heinz bodies
  • A falsely elevated Hct is obtained. Which of the
    following calculated values will not be affected? MCH
  • A Miller disk is an ocular device used to facilitate
    counting of: Reticulocytes
  • SITUATION: RBC indices obtained on an anemic
    patient are as follows: MCV 88 μm3 (fL); MCH
    30 pg; MCHC 34% (.340). The RBCs on the
    peripheral smear would appear: Normocytic, normochromic
  • All of the following factors may influence the
    erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) except:

    A. Blood drawn into a sodium citrate tube
    B. Anisocytosis, poikilocytosis
    C. Plasma proteins
    D. Caliber of the tube
  • What staining method is used most frequently to
    stain and manually count reticulocytes?
    Supravital Staining