The breasts are paired structures located on the anterior thoracic wall, in the pectoral region
Breasts are present in both males and females, more prominent in females following puberty
In females, breasts contain mammary glands, which are involved in lactation
Breasts extend horizontally from the lateral border of the sternum to the mid-axillary line
Vertically, breasts span between the 2nd and 6th costal cartilages
Breasts are composed of a circular body and an axillary tail
The nipple is at the center of the breast, surrounded by the areolae
Mammary glands are modified sweat glands, consisting of ducts and secretory lobules
Connective tissue stroma surrounds the mammary glands, with fibrous and fatty components
Suspensory ligaments of Cooperattach and secure the breast to the dermis and underlying pectoral fassia they also separatesecretorylobules
Breast arterial supply: internal thoracic artery for the medial aspect, lateral thoracic, thoracoacromial, lateral mammary, and mammary branches for the lateral aspect