Lesson 2

Cards (12)

  • Organelles found in the cytoplasm include:
    • Ribosomes
    • Endoplasmic Reticulum
    • Golgi Apparatus
    • Secretory Granules
    • Lysosomes
    • Mitochondria
    • Peroxisomes
  • Ribosomes:
    • Consist of small and large subunits
    • Formed in the nucleus (nucleolus) and exported to the cytoplasm
    • Small subunit has highly folded rRNA chain associated with proteins
    • Large subunit has three other rRNA molecules and basic proteins
    • Functions in protein synthesis
    • Engage in protein synthesis by binding to mRNA to form polyribosomes or polysomes
    • Bound ribosomes produce proteins for secretion, plasma membrane, and lysosomes
    • Free ribosomes produce proteins used within the cell
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum:
    • A convoluted membranous network extending from the nucleus throughout the cytoplasm
    • Rough ER is involved in the production of membrane-associated proteins and proteins for secretion
    • Smooth ER lacks bound polyribosomes and performs functions like synthesis of phospholipids, detoxification, and calcium regulation
  • Golgi Apparatus:
    • Series of elongated, flattened saclike membranous structures
    • Modifies, packages, and sorts materials from the ER
    • Forms secretory vesicles and lysosomes
  • Secretory Granules:
    • Formed as vesicles in the Golgi apparatus
    • Contain a concentrated form of the secretory product
    • Zymogen granules contain digestive enzymes
  • Lysosomes:
    • Spherical-shaped membrane-bound organelles formed from the Golgi apparatus
    • Contain about 40 different hydrolytic enzymes
    • Sites of intracellular digestion and turnover of cellular components
  • Peroxisomes:
    • Smaller, spherical-shaped membrane-bound organelles
    • Contain oxidative enzymes like oxidases and catalase
  • Mitochondria:
    • Double membrane-bound organelles containing circular DNA
    • Synthesize ATP during cellular respiration
    • Mitochondrial matrix contains enzymes for oxidation of pyruvate and fatty acids
  • Inclusions in the cell:
    • Temporary structures containing accumulated metabolites or substances
    • Include lipid droplets, glycogen granules, zymogen granules, pigment granules, crystals, and dust particles
  • Lipid Droplets:
    • Accumulations of lipid in adipocytes and other cells
  • Glycogen Granules:
    • Aggregates of the carbohydrate polymer glucose stored in cells
    • Visible as periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) positive material in liver cells
  • Pigment Deposits:
    • Melanin: dark brown granules protecting cells from UV radiation
    • Lipofuscin: pale brown granules found in stable nondividing cells
    • Hemosiderin: dense brown aggregate of denatured ferritin proteins with bound iron