Cards (34)

  • immature strobila is near the neck and no reproductive organs can be seen
  • mature strobila is found in the middle and testes and ovary can be seen
  • gravid strobila is the last portion where uterus with lateral branches with eggs can be seen
  • rostellum is the button-like head where hooks protrude and in the apical portion of the scolex
  • hooklets are for the attchment to the intestinal wall
  • neck is the germinal part of the cestode
  • cestodes are segmented flatworms or tapeworms
  • cestodes are hermaphroditic which contains both male and female reproductive organ
  • phylum platyhelminthes are collectively called flatworms
  • phylum platyhelminthes are mostly hermaprhodites except schistosoma spp.
  • microtriches are outward projections similar to microvilli that absorbs nutrients
  • adult cestode worms are seen in intestine
  • proglottids contains both female and male parts
  • eggs have 6 hooked embryos
  • cetodes have no respiratory, vascular and digestive system
  • cestodes need intermediate host
  • 3 basic portions of cestodes are scolex , neck and strobila
  • broadfish tapeworm is the common name for diphyllobothrium latum
  • pseudophyllideans have sucking grooves while cyclophyllideans have suckers
  • pseudophyllideans have uterine pore with no branching
  • cyclophyllideans have no uterine pore and is branching
  • genital pore of cyclophyllideans are lateral
  • genital pore of pseudophyllideans are ventral
  • cyclophyllideans are apolytic which disperse eggs while pseudophyllideans anapolytic
  • humans become definitive host of diphyllobothrium latum when they ingest raw fish
  • 1st intermediate host of diphyllobothrium latum are crustaceans
  • 2nd intermediate host of diphyllobothrium latum are small fishes
  • crustaceans which is the 1st intermediate host of diphyllobothrium latum harbors coracidium
  • small fishes which are the 2nd intermediate host of diphyllobothrium latum harbors procercoid larva
  • infective stage of diphyllobothrium latum in human is the plerocercoid larva
  • megaloblastic anemia is the pathology of diphyllobothrium latum
  • treatment of diphyllobothrium latum is praziquantel
  • spirometra spp definitive host are cats and dogs
  • parathenic host of spirometra spp are humans if plerocercoid or procercoid larva is ingested