St. Ignatius'bestfriend and co-founderoftheJesuits; first missionarytoIndia, SEAsiaandJapan
Gerald Manley Hopkins
One of the greatestVictorianpoets; lived in Oxford, England and struggledwithdepression
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Scientist, paleontologist and theologian; tried to reconcile evolution with Christian theology
Jacques Marquette
Frenchmissionaryandexplorer; founded the first European settlements in Michigan; missionary to indigenous peoples; spoke 6 Native American languages/dialects
Aloysius Gonzaga
Gaveupinheritance, riches, social status to become a Jesuit; ministeredtoplaguevictims; died at age of 23
Juana of Austria
Onlyfemale Jesuit; became a Jesuit is secret
Isaac Jogues
French Jesuit; servedasamissionarytotheIroquois,Heron, and Mohawks in the New World; martyred
Stanislaus Kostka
Patron St.of Poland; ranawayfromhometoGermany to become a Jesuit; sawavisionofMaryandbabyJesus; patronsaint of Seattle Prep
Greg Boyle
CreatedHomeboy Industries where ex-gang memberscanreceivesupporttoleavethatlife,getaneducation,job training, tattoo removal, etc.
Robert Bellarmine
Doctor of the Church (famoustheologian and teacher); partoftheCounter-Reformationandadvisor to the Pope; mentortoGonzaga
Matteo Ricci
His knowledgeofAstronomyandscience, and adaptionoflocal customs and dress helped him be accepted as a missionaryinChina