lindsey- physiological theories

Cards (8)

  • Nature vs Nurture
    Nature= genes, hereditary factors. physical appearance, personality and characteristics Nurture= environmental variables, childhood experiences, how we are raised? social relationship, surrounding, culture
  • physiological theories= Lombroso 1876

    Criminals are BORN not MADE, criminals are physiologically different to non criminals. - atavistic= primitive men, less evolved - stigmala= brain blemishes, indicated their biological inferiority - pathological= offenders suffered from sickness of mind and body
  • Lombrosos findings: 

    Gathered data from prisoners and autopsies - phrenology= shape and size of brain - physiognomy= study of facial features MEN= large jaws, high cheek bones, baldness, wrinkles, large chin, insensitivity to pain WOMEN= less evolved, smaller brains and skulls, vengeful and jealous
  • criticisms of Lombroso:
    -largley ignored social, context (environmental factors) - lack of control groups (assumptions made of non criminals) - deterministic- crime out of an individuals control ( no choice) - stigmatisation of criminals as sick, needing a cure - old and discredited by more recent generic studies
  • Physiological theories- Sheldon
    Criminals are physically different from non criminals. - Somatotypes= underlying physique that is not changed by overeating or training
  • Sheldon findings: 

    Sheldon studies 400 boys growth over 8 years, data from family backgrounds. ENDO= wide hips, dropping + narrow shoulders MESO= large head, risk taker, heavy chest ECTO= aggressive, ruthless, introverted, little chest
  • Criticism of Sheldon:
    -concusions are correlational not causation - other factors involved: age, gender, wider culture
  • strengths + negatives of physiological theories:
    STRENGTHS= scientific measurements, quantitative not based on religion/moral, medical link, treatment born criminals can be treated, somewhat reliable memo body still commonly criminals today NEGATIVES=out of date, lacking objectives, conducted in time fo racism, lifestyle and environment problems may have caused body shape,