The top 10% of americas‘s population earns 45.5% of all income in the US
The Gini Index is a common measure (income inequality between the rich and poor)
In a fair society the Gini Coefficient would be 0, while in an unfair society (where one individual hoards every bit of that nations wealth) the Gini Coefficient would be 1
In the US the Gini index rose by 1.2% in 2021 to 0.49% a year from 0.48%
In other countries the Gini has been declining due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Inequality is greater in developing countries than wealthier ones, the US is an exception
The US Gini Coefficient is much higher than in similar economies, like Denmark
Government’s response to wealth inequality
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - a program (that’s time limited) assists families with children when parental guardian cannot provide for the families basic need.
Large increase in executive pay - All CEOS used to be white men. Earned 20 times the amount of an average worker. The highest rate billionaires pay is 20%
discrimination- the economic crisis has hit ethnic minorities hard. Black un at 15.4%, Latino unemployment at 14.5% and businesses owned by ethnic minorities are closing fast.
Inflation - Prices rising very quickly. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of individuals. People struggle to pay for basic necessities.
a stagnant minimum wage - A lot of Americans rely on their paychecks to make ends meet. Between 1979-2020 workers‘ wages grew by 17.5% while productivity grew over three times as fast at 61.8%
wealth begetting wealth - wealth is increasingly concentrate in the hands of the few (mainly white families). Money is passed from parents to children and so the wealth gap increases.