Refers to a person or entity consolidating electric power demand of end-users in the contestable market
Purpose is to purchase and resell electricity on a group basis
Ancillary Services:
Necessary to support the transmission of capacity and energy from resources to loads
Maintain reliable operation of the transmission system in accordance with good utility practice and the Grid code
Captive Market:
Refers to electricity end-users who do not have the choice of a supplier of electricity
Determined by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)
Central Dispatch:
Refers to issuing direct instructions to electric power industry participants by the grid operator
Aim is to achieve economic operation and maintenance of quality, stability, reliability, and security of the transmission system
Co-Generation Facility:
Facility that produces electrical and/or mechanical energy
Useful thermal energy such as heat or steam used for industrial or commercial heating or cooling purposes
Concession Contract:
Award by the government to a qualified private entity for financing, operating, expanding, maintaining, and managing specific Government-owned assets
Contestable Market:
Refers to electricity end-users who have a choice of a supplier of electricity
Determined by the ERC
Component in the retail rate for cost recovery of customer-related services
Includes meter reading, billing administration, and collection
Measures undertaken by distribution utilities to encourage end-users in proper load management
Aim is to achieve efficiency in the utilization of fixed infrastructures in the system
Department of Energy (DOE):
Government agency created pursuant to Republic Act No. 7638
Expanded functions provided in the text
Department of Finance (DOF):
Government agency created pursuant to Executive Order No. 127
Distribution Code:
Compilation of rules and regulations governing electric utilities in the operation and maintenance of their distribution systems
Includes standards for service and performance
Distribution of Electricity:
Refers to the conveyance of electric power by a distribution utility through its distribution system
Distribution System:
System of wires and associated facilities belonging to a franchised distribution utility
Extends between delivery points on the transmission or subtransmission system and the point of connection to the premises of the end-user
Distribution Wheeling Charge:
Cost or charge regulated by the ERC for the use of a distribution system and/or related services
Distribution Utility:
Refers to electric cooperatives, private corporations, government-owned utilities, or existing local government units with an exclusive franchise to operate a distribution system
Electric Cooperative:
Distribution utility organized pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 269 or as provided in this Act
Electric Power Industry Participant:
Any person or entity engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution, or supply of electricity
Refers to any person or entity requiring the supply and delivery of electricity for its own use
Energy Regulatory Board (ERB):
Independent, quasi-judicial regulatory body created under Executive Order No. 172
ERC refers to Energy Regulatory Commission.
Franchise Area:
Geographical area exclusively assigned or granted to a distribution utility for the distribution of electricity
Generation Company:
Person or entity authorized by the ERC to operate facilities used in the generation of electricity
Generation of Electricity:
Refers to the production of electricity by a generation company or co-generation facility
High voltage backbone system of interconnected transmission lines, substations, and related facilities
Grid Code:
Set of rules and regulations governing the safe and reliable operation, maintenance, and development of the high voltage backbone transmission system
Independent Power Producer (IPP):
Existing power generating entity not owned by NPC
IPP Administrator:
Qualified independent entities appointed by PSALM Corporation to administer, conserve, and manage contracted energy output of NPC IPP contracts
Isolated Distribution System:
Backbone system of wires and associated facilities not directly connected to the national transmission system
Lifeline Rate:
Subsidized rate given to low-income captive market end-users who cannot afford to pay at full cost
National Electrification Administration (NEA):
Government agency created under Presidential Decree No. 269 with additional mandate set forth in the text
National Power Corporation (NPC):
Government corporation created under Republic Act No. 6395
National Transmission Corporation (TRANSCO):
Corporation organized pursuant to this Act to acquire all transmission assets of the NPC
Open Access:
System allowing any qualified person the use of transmission and/or distribution system and associated facilities
Philippine Energy Plan (PEP):
Overall energy program formulated and updated yearly by the DOE and submitted to Congress
Power Development Program (PDP):
Indicative plan for managing electricity demand through energy-efficient programs and for the upgrading, expansion, rehabilitation, repair, and maintenance of power generation and transmission facilities
Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation (PSALM Corp.):
Corporation created pursuant to Section 49 of the text
Refers to the sale, disposition, change, and transfer of ownership and control of assets and IPP contracts from the Government or a government corporation to a private person or entity
Renewable Energy Resources:
Energy resources with no upper limit on the total quantity to be used
Include biomass, solar, wind, hydro, and ocean energy
Retail Rate:
Total price paid by end-users consisting of charges for generation, transmission, ancillary services, distribution, supply, and other related charges for electric service