Wear PPE because fungi have spores that are carried out through the air (airborne)
Do not use an ordinary mask, use n95/respiratory mask
Tube Media vs Plated Media:
Tube Media:
Handling spores
Advantages: prevent spore release into the environment, prevent dehydration, easily handled and stored
Plated Media:
Examining colonial appearance, texture, and topography
Advantage: easily examine (larger surface area for observation)
Culture Media Used for Fungi:
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA): used for pathogenic (dimorphic) and saprophytic fungi, contains dextrose, casein, and animal tissues in the form of peptones, pH 5.6 (acidic)
Emmon’s Modification Media: used for pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi, contains 24 grams of dextrose, pH 6.9 (neutral)
Brain Heart Infusion (BHI): used for systemic mycoses, can be cultured in BHI
Culture Media:
Any material containing essential nutrients to support the growth of fungi
Should have a slightly acidic pH 5.6 to neutral pH
2 cultures must be incubated in different temperatures:
22°C (Room Temperature) to observe molds
37°C inside an incubator to observe dimorphism/yeast
Inhibitory Agents (Antibiotics):
Cycloheximide: Inhibits fungal contaminants
Chloramphenicol: Inhibits both gram positive and gram negative organisms, especially if the sample comes from an unsterile area
Wear PPE because fungi have spores that are airborne
Do not use an ordinary mask, use n95/respiratory mask
Tube Media vs Plated Media:
Tube Media:
Handling spores
Advantages: Prevent spore release into the environment, prevent dehydration, easily handled and stored
Plated Media:
Examining colonial appearance, texture, and topography
Advantage: Easily examine (larger surface area for observation)
Culture Media Used for Fungi:
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA): Used for pathogenic (dimorphic) and saprophytic fungi, contains dextrose, casein, and animal tissues in the form of peptones, pH 5.6 (acidic)
Emmon’s Modification Media: Used for pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi, contains 24 grams of dextrose, pH 6.9 (neutral)
Brain Heart Infusion (BHI): Used for systemic mycoses, can be cultured in BHI
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA):
Contains dextrose since yeast & molds love sugar
Peptones provide amino acids and nitrogenous compounds essential for fungal growth