show the restriction and entrapment the conceit shows the restricting and eternal consequences of being stingy
Marley: "the chain he drew was clasped about his middle"
the physical and metaphorically representation for how if making money and materialism main purpose to your life and is the main reason for your eternal suffering
Marely: "was long and wound about him like a tail."
the simile implies that his egoism and selfishness has led to his animalistic treatment in hell. his disregard for people when he was alive has led to him being disregarded as a animal in his afterlife.
Marely: "mankind was my business"
dickens uses Marley was his mouthpiece
Ghost of past
amalgamation of youth and old age
Ghost of past
ethereal heavenly
Ghost of past: "it was a strange figure-like a child: yet not so like a child as like an old man"
paradoxical depiction- the juxtaposition show that he appears like scrooge old man yet be is vulnerable and isolated like how he was a child. by showing scrooge his past he wants to regress into the younger scrooge as he has lost as he grew up.
Ghost of past: "wore a tunic of the purest white."
gives the ghost a ethereal quality. creates a sense of heaven and the aims is to purify scrooge and to remove his previous sins
Ghost of past: "contradiction of that wintry emblem had its dress trimmed with summer flowers"
the wintery conceit reflects scrooge inner cold nature. the ghost wears "summer flowers" connoting with growth and it reinforce what the ghost will do to scrooge
Ghost of past: " bright clear jet of light"
this creates a image of hope and brightness and this symbolises how the ghost function to brighten scrooge life
Ghost of past: "could not hide the light"
as the ghost light is emblematic of hope this foreshadows scrooge cannot escape his redemption. the ghost will help scrooge to his moral and spiritual awaking and he cannot "hide" from this
Ghost of past: "one arm now with one leg now with twenty leg now a pair of legs"
this metamorphosis and transmogrification could be symbolises how scrooge change is inevitable
ghost of present
Ghost of present: "kind generous hearty nature"
the triple adjective could be biblical allusion to the holly trinity the tree part of god. the three adjective could be a allusion to bring scrooge back to god.
Ghost of present: "ivy"
this symbolises god gift as there was ivy surrounding him and he could he recipient of god message as he is trying enlightening scrooge morally religiously and spiritually
Ghost of present: "ivy reflected back the light" "sparkling eye"
the motif of light symbolises hope though the novella as the ghost is offering scrooge hope for the future
Ghost of present: "glowing torch in shape not unlike plenty horn"
plenty horn is a symbol of abundance. the abundance of resources should be shared- no malnourishment and neglection. direct criticism of the Malthusian view
Ghost of present: "scrooge entered timidly and hung his head before the spirit."
scrooge appears submissive as he now open to the idea of change and moral awakening
Ghost of present: "tell me if tiny Tim will live "
this shows a turning point for scrooge as his is displaying genuine emotion for the poor children.
Ghost of future
Ghost of future
alike to the grim reaper
Ghost of future
irreversible gloom
Ghost of future: "slowly, gravely, silently approached."
the triple ominous adverb shows the menacing ambience filled with dread. the archetypal presentation of the ghost faceless figure that there is there is to haut scrooge
Ghost of future: "shrouded in a deep black garment"
shows the description of the grim reaper as a symbol of death as he was believed to collect people souls. this show that scrooge's chances at redemption has vanished
Ghost of future: "outstretched hand" and "steady hand was pointed to the head"
the use of the hand could be allusion of a hand of a clock as his time almost up which is ironic because he wanted a solitary death which he now doesn't want. this is the repercussions of his selfish want
Ghost of future: "solemn dread"
the supernatural dread is key in scrooge's freedom and it allows scrooge to feel fear for his inevitable future and that he will be shrouded in his own internal darkness.
Ghost of future: "scrooge feared the silent so much that his legs trembled beneath him"
his utter terror is so powerful it doesn't just just evoke an emotional change but a physical one. the alliteration "silent shape" reinforces the mysteriousness of the ghost the faceless figure makes scrooge lose all composure
Ghost of future: "it was a worthy place...overrun by grass and weeds"
Dicken uses this to show the neglection of the other in turn will causes your own neglection in your death. the grave is warning the reader as a cynical nature that if you cause pain to will cycle back to you