
Cards (6)

  • What is the Mark capture recapture method?
  • why can’t similar species reproduce?
    geographical isolation causes a separation in the gene pools leading to different selection pressures variation causes mutation increasing allele frequency & reproductive isolation
  • Describe the role of electron transport chains in the light-dependent reactions ofphotosynthesis.
    1 electron transport chain accepts excited electrons;2 from chlorophyll / photosystem;3 electrons lose energy along chain;4 ATP produced;5 from ADP and Pi;6 reduced NADP formed;7 when electrons (from transport chain) and H combine with NADP;8 H from photolysis;
  • Describe the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis and explain how they allow thecontinued synthesis of hexose sugars.
    1 5C/RuBP combines with CO2;2 to form 3C compound / TP / GP;3 using ATP;4 and reduced NADP / eq;5 2 molecules of 3C compound/ TP / GP form hexose;6 all RuBP is regenerated;7 10 molecules of 3C/TP/GP form 6 molecules of 5C/RuBP;
  • Describe the sequence of events which allows information to pass from one neuroneto the next neurone across a cholinergic synapse.
    1. (impulse causes) calcium ions/Ca++ to enter axon;2. vesicles move to/fuse with (presynaptic) membrane;3. acetylcholine (released);4. (acetylcholine) diffuses across synaptic cleft/synapse;5. binds with receptors on (postsynaptic) membrane;6. sodium ions/Na+ enter (postsynaptic) neurone;7. depolarisation of (postsynaptic) membrane;8. if above threshold nerve impulse/action potential produced
  • Describe how bacteria may be produced which have the resistance gene in their plasmid
    cut desired gene with RE
    using same RE cut plasmid
    produces sticky ends
    use ligaments to join complimentary bases
    add back to bacteria
    shock at 27°C