Cards (14)

  • what is the domestic division of labour
    how we divide up domestic work in the home
  • what does functionalist believ about family gender roles
    parson argues that men have the instrunmental roles and women have expressive roles
  • what do feminists argue about gender roles
    the nuclear family gender roles oppress women- women want no roles but equality and also financial independene so they have the ability to leave
  • what is marxists believe about gender roles
    women help aid the needs of capatalist society by providing the needs of the bourgoise and family cushion the man
  • what do parsons and murray argue about gender roles
    segregated roles are what is natural. the man is strong provider and the protector when the women is the nuturer
  • what do lenoard and demphy argue about the family roles
    women have the double burden as they do to work then do domestic labour at home
  • what is the triple shift
    women do the triple shift as they do [aid work, domestic and all the hidden roles
  • what is bott idea of family
    seregated conjugal roles in the family
  • what is young and willmott idea of gender roles
    there is a march of progress and idea of symetrical family
  • what is oakleys theory of family
    there is a rise of the housewife roile
  • what is dunnes lesbian study
    lesbian couples with dependent children are more likley to describe their relationship as equal, give equal importance and that household talks are not linked to gender scripts
  • what is the definition of domestic violence
    incident or patterns of incidnts of controlling, coercive or threatning behaviour, violence or abuse between those ages 16 overwho have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality
  • what are the types of domestic violence
    physical, sexual,financial,coerive and control, gaslighting, stalking
  • what is bobash and bobash theory
    violent incidences could be set of by what a husband saw as a challene to his authority. they argue that marriage legitimises violence against women by condering ppower and authoiryt