the plans that the government put into place which usually affect the family in either a direct or indirect way .
what do the conservatives think about family
they want less support for families and what them to b self sufficent. they also believe in the nuclear family
what did the conservative policy of child support agency impact for the family
the policy discorages people from having children outside of marriage as the policy mean fathers paid for child maintence. Mothers were less reliant on welfare state
what did the conservative idea of benefit cutting for single parents do for the family
for fathers in particular it promoted responsibility for children
what conservative policy of fail to introduce free childcare do for the family
it promoted traditional conjugal roles such as the expressive and instrumental roles
what did the conservative policy of marriage tax allowance for those who married do for the family
promoted people t marry suggestive other families were less desirable
what did the conservative policy privatising care for the elderly do for the family
poorer families had to take more the responsibility for the elderly also women were more likley to take on the responsibility therfore reinforcing traditional roles
what were labour policies about for the families
recognise diveristy and help families, help lone parents,
what did the labour policy of more generous maternity/paternity leave do for the family
send a message that both parents are likely to work therefore recognises the increase of the roles fathers play
what does the labour policy of free child care for 2 1/2 year olds do for the family
helped families with child care costs making returning to work easier
what did flexible working arrangments for parents do for the family
helped the family with child care making it easier for work
what did the new deal labour policy do for the family
helped lone parents enter paid work by helping with childcare, training ect
what did the help for the elderly policy do for family
help the elderly with heating costs reducing health issues therfore lack of support needed from others
what was the conservative coalition
the coalition between labour and conservatives ad they continued many of the new right ideals
what did the reinroduction of marriage tax allow for the family
encorage nuclear family and marriage
what did the policy of cutting legal aid do
those of lower income and many women couldnt access legal advice for things like divorce
what did the child benifit becoming means tested do for the family
family had to take responsibility and the state couldnt be involved
what did the scalling back on benifits policy do for the family
designed to reduce welfare dependency
what did the the troubled family program do for the family
re socialise and re educate families in order to cut costs of those dependent on the state