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  • Mathematics is a formal system of thought for recognizing, classifying, and exploiting patterns
  • Mathematics is found in every people's daily tasks or activities, in nature, arts, music, medicine, and other disciplines
  • Mathematics is everywhere
  • Mathematics is useful in making conclusions and predictions of world events
  • Mathematics is used to describe the natural order and occurrences of the universe
  • Mathematics is used to organize patterns, regularities, and irregularities
  • Mathematics helps to control weather, epidemics, and provides tools for calculations
  • Mathematics provides new questions to think about
  • Mathematics is about numbers, symbols, equations, operations, functions, calculations, abstractions, and devising proofs
  • Mathematics is done with curiosity, a penchant for seeking patterns and generalities, the desire to know the truth, trial and error, and without fear of facing more questions and problems to solve
  • Mathematics is used by mathematicians (pure and applied), scientists (natural and social), and everyone
  • Mathematics is important to know because it puts order in disorder, helps individuals become better persons, and makes the world a better place to live in
  • Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World
  • A pattern is a term used to describe repeating objects or events
  • Nature's patterns are vital clues to the rules that govern natural processes
  • Self-Organized Patterns are formed without external intervention
  • Invoked Organized Patterns are formed with external intervention
  • Fibonacci Sequence
  • The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers where terms are obtained by adding the two previous terms in the sequence
  • The Fibonacci sequence was named after Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, commonly known as Leonardo Fibonacci
  • The original problem that Fibonacci investigated was about how fast rabbits could breed in ideal circumstances
  • Examples of Fibonacci sequence are found in nature and have led to many discoveries in different fields of science
  • The Power of Mathematics
  • Mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities in the world
  • Mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature and phenomena in the world
  • Mathematics helps control nature and occurrences in the world for our own ends
  • Mathematics has numerous applications in everyday life and scientific applications
  • Applications of Math in everyday life include calculating money and finance, counting students in a class, time taken for travel, building construction, and measuring quantities of liquid and food
  • Scientific applications of math include finding time and position of objects, explaining theories in Physics and Chemistry, calculating work, potential, torque, momentum, population growth, decay of nuclei, chemical reactions, and solving real-life situations
  • Mathematics helps students by providing tools for calculations, organizing patterns, predicting behaviors, and controlling occurrences in the world