The role of chromosomes and hormones

Cards (11)

  • What is the role of chromosomes in Sex and Gender?
    • differences between sexes are a result of anatomical, chromosomal and hormonal differences.
    • 46 chromosomes - 23 pairs
    • Females XX, Males XY
    • Sex is determined by which sperm fertilises the egg
    • The Y chromosome carries the SRY gene "sex determining region Y" which triggers the development of testes
  • What is the role of hormones in gender development?
    At puberty a burst of hormonal activity triggers the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as pubic hair.
  • What are the three different hormones?
    • Testosterone
    • Oxytocin
    • Oestrogen
  • What does testosterone do?
    • Controls development of male sex organs
    • Increased testosterone is linked with increased aggression
    • Researcher injected female rats with testosterone and found they became physically and sexually aggressive
  • What does Oestrogen do?
    • Determines female sexual characteristics and menstruation
    • Causes heightened emotionality during menstruation cycle
  • What does oxytocin do?
    • Stimulates lactation and plays a role in bonding
    • Women typically produce more than men due to giving birth
    • Released from the pituitary gland
  • What is the case study for the role of chromosomes and hormones?
    • David Reimer
    • Bruce and Brian Reimer underwent circumcision at 6 months but Bruce's was botched with left him without a penis
    • A psychologist suggested that the parents raise Bruce in a stereotypical feminine way
    • By Bruce's teens, the psychologist had written of their success in proving gender neutrality
    • However, 'Brenda' had never adjusted to life as a female and was suffering through psychological and emotional problems
    • When she was told the truth Brenda immediately went back to living as a man (David)
  • What is two limitations and one strength of the role of chromosomes and hormones in gender development?
    L: Reductionist
    S: Supporting Evidence
    L: Contradictory Evidence
  • Why is the role of chromosomes and hormones reductionist?
    • Reduces sex down to chromosome patterns (XX and XY) and gender development due to hormone levels
    • As a result, the explanation ignores other factors that could play a role in gender such as environment
    • Therefore adopting a holistic approach would be more beneficial
  • Why is supporting evidence a strength?
    • Supported by the case of David Reimer
    • Another researcher found that within a prison population, offenders with the highest levels of testosterone were more likely to have committed violent or sexually motivated crimes.
  • Why is contradictory evidence a limitation?
    • A double-blind study conducted by Tricker
    • 43 males were given a weekly injection of either testosterone or a placebo
    • Found no significant differences in aggression after the 10 week period of the study
    • Also found that sex hormones had no constant effect on gender related behaviour
    This contradicts the explanations idea of hormones and chromosomes being responsible for increased aggression