ECG calculation: Heart frequency can be calculated using the formula: 300 HF/min = 1RR x 0.2s
Electro-mechanical properties of the heart:
Automaticity: Heart cells spontaneously generate action potential (impulses), with the highest frequency in the SA node
Excitability: The ability of heart cells to respond to impulses
Conductivity: The impulse propagates rapidly from the SA node to the entire conduction system and then more slowly through the working myocardium
Contractility: The ability to contract, applies to the working myocardium containing myofibrils (muscle fibers)
Conduction system of the heart:
Supraventricular conduction system includes the SA node, Bachmann's bundle, and Internodal pathways
Atrio-ventricular junction includes the AV node and Bundle of His
Ventricular conduction system includes the Right bundle branch, Left bundle branch, Left anterior fascicles, Left posterior fascicles, and Purkinje fibers
Cardiac action potential:
Phases of ventricular myocyte action potential include Phase 4 (resting potential), Phase 0 (rapid depolarization phase), Phase 1 (beginning of repolarization), Phase 2 ("plateau" phase), Phase 3 (rapid repolarisation)
SA node action potential:
Phases of cardiac action potential include Phase 4 (resting potential), Phase 0 (rapid depolarization phase), Phases 1 and 2, Phase 3 (rapid repolarisation)
Refractory period:
Absolute refractory period: from the beginning of phase 0 until phase 3
Relative refractory period: from the end of phase 3, during this phase a stronger-than-usual stimulus is required to produce another action potential
Leads in ECG:
The standard 12-lead electrocardiogram represents the heart's electrical activity recorded from electrodes on the body surface
Different leads "view" the heart from different angles, including Bipolar limb leads, Augmented unipolar limb leads, and Unipolar chest leads
Interpretation of ECG:
P-wave: atrial depolarization
PR interval: conduction of the impulse from atria to the ventricles
QRS complex: depolarization of ventricles
ST segment: plateau, ventricles are fully depolarized
T-wave: repolarization of ventricles
QT interval: duration of ventricular depolarization and repolarization
Ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation:
Opposite depolarisation and repolarisation direction but the same electrical vector
Electrical axis of heart:
Calculation from leads I, II, and III can determine Normal, Left axis deviation, or Right axis deviation
Calculate heart frequency using ECG paper speed of 25 mm/s.