C1 vocabulary

Cards (254)

  • to be on the verge is to be very close to happening
  • Abiding:
    • Ongoing; continues for a long time
    • Example: Abiding love for old movies
  • Able-bodied:
    • Strong and healthy; physically fit
    • Example: Our construction company requires only able-bodied workers
  • Abolish:
    • To cancel; put an end to; terminate; finish something
    • Example: Prohibition was abolished in 1933
  • Absentminded:
    • One who constantly forgets things or fails to notice things
    • Example: Sarah's absentminded husband forgot his car keys at the bar
  • Abundant:
    • Available in large quantities; more than enough
    • Example: The lake near our house is abundant in fish
  • Accentuate:
    • To make more noticeable
    • Example: Dan's new shirt accentuates his biceps
  • Accrue:
    • To accumulate; gradually increase over time
    • Example: I placed my money in a saving account to accrue interest
  • Acerbic:
    • Harsh, sarcastic and critical
    • Example: Someone left a very acerbic comment under my new video
  • Adamant:
    • Unwillingness to change one's mind, decision, or belief
    • Example: Mike was adamant in his decision to quit his job
  • Afflatus:
    • Sudden burst of inspiration; strong creative impulse
    • Example: In 1995, on a wave of afflatus, I wrote my first book
  • Aggravate:
    • Make something bad even worse
    • Example: The new treatment plan only aggravated her condition
  • Aimless:
    • Without clear purpose or intent
    • Example: Jack's life became aimless after the death of his wife
  • Akin:
    • Similar in some way
    • Example: He spoke in a language akin to Spanish; this game is akin to football
  • Aloof:
    • Unfriendly; stays away from others; distant
    • Example: Jessica kept aloof from her father's new wife
  • Ambrosial:
    • Delicious; something very tasty or smelly
    • Example: Her mother's birthday cake was ambrosial
  • Antagonize:
    • Make someone dislike you or get mad at you
    • Example: After the divorce, Rebecca tried to antagonize our kids against me
  • Ante up:
    • To give money; pay what is due
    • Example: My landlord told me to ante up or vacate the apartment by the beginning of the month
  • Antiquated:
    • Too old; old-fashioned; no longer useful
    • Example: Antiquated system; antiquated beliefs; antiquated methods; antiquated laws
  • As right as rain:
    • To feel great or healthy again
    • Example: After the final stage of therapy, he is as right as rain now
  • Assertive:
    • Very confident without being aggressive
    • Example: If you want to get this job, you need to be more assertive
  • A stone’s throw:
    • Very close
    • Example: Her apartment is just a stone's throw from the city center
  • Awe:
    • A feeling of deep respect and approval combined with fear
    • Example: Sam was in awe of his strong father; Dina gazed at the soldiers with awe
  • Backlash:
    • A strong and unfavorable reaction of a large number of people to political or social changes
    • Example: Government faces backlash from voters; the backlash against default
  • Bad blood:
    • Feelings of enmity and hatred between people for events that occurred in the past
    • Example: There has been bad blood between John and Sarah for years
  • Baleful:
    • Capable of doing something bad or hurting someone; evil; hateful
    • Example: The bully gave me a baleful look
  • Barmy:
    • Extremely stupid; slightly crazy
    • Example: Barmy idea, barmy decision
  • Barren:
    • Sterile; unable to produce anything
    • Example: This land is barren, we cannot grow anything here
  • Batty:
    • Crazy; mad; mentally unstable
    • Example: Dean gets a bit batty when we talk about politics
  • Bawl:
    • Scream or cry very loudly
    • Example: "Stop hitting my husband!" she bawled
  • Bear up:
    • Face a difficult situation with courage and bravery
    • Example: Donna is bearing up well under the strain of losing her apartment
  • Beckon:
    • Make a hand or head gesture to encourage someone to come closer
    • Example: She beckoned to the waiter
  • Beggarly:
    • Very poor; small in amount
    • Example: Dan received a beggarly sum for his excellent work
  • Besotted:
    • Deeply in love with someone; thinking about someone all the time
    • Example: Ronda is completely besotted with her new boyfriend
  • Bewitching:
    • Seductively attractive; delightful; fascinating; charming
    • Example: Craig was bewitched by Fiona's beauty
  • Billow:
    • To be filled with air; huge moving mass of something
    • Example: The sails billowed in the wind; billow of smoke
  • Bite the bullet:
    • Force yourself to do something extremely hard or unpleasant
    • Example: I hate doing this part of my job, but I have to bite the bullet and get it done
  • Boisterous:
    • Noisy; loud; full of energy and a little out of control
    • Example: A boisterous horse; boisterous children; boisterous crowd
  • Bonkers:
    • Silly; crazy; stupid
    • Example: Ron must be bonkers to take such a risk
  • Bountiful:
    • Large in amount; generous
    • Example: Bountiful supply of food; bountiful land