Test 3 (notes 57-86)

Cards (54)

  • How long did Christ's public ministry last?
    3 years
  • At what event did Christ's public ministry start?
    his baptism
  • At what event did Christ's public ministry end?
    his entry into Jerusalem
  • Christ taught that the kingdom of God was "at hand"
  • Christ teaches that eh came to fulfill and perfect the law
  • Why Jesus did perform miracles?
    as a sign that the Kingdom was present
  • Did Jesus teach in an understandable way?
  • Jesus established a Church with teaching authority
  • True/False: Christ was accepted because of his message about the Kingdom of God
    False, he was rejected
  • An important aspect of Jerusalem
    Triumphant entry before his passion and crucifixion, which were a complete rejection
  • Some Elements of Christ's redemptive passion: Betrayed by Judas, Interrogated, Endured false charges supported by perjury (lying under oath), Remained silent in the face of injustice, Abandoned by his apostles, Brutal scourging, Wore crown of thorns, Condemned to death, Carried cross to Golgatha, Crucified between two criminals.
  • Seder means order. Refers to the order of the prayers
  • Seder is celebrated around the same time as Easter
  • The Jews retell which story at Passover Seder?
    the story of Exodus
  • Our Lord instituted the sacraments of the Eucharist and Holy Orders during a Passover Seder (The Last Supper)
  • Who were experts in crucifixion? The Romans
  • Crucifixion was used mostly against revolutionaries and runaway slaves…as a deterrent.
  • It was common practice by the 2nd century to begin & end prayer with the cross.
  • The sign of the cross was also used when acknowledging the Trinity.
  • What three religious groups use the sign of the cross?
    Catholics, Orthodox, and some Protestants
  • What is redemptive suffering?
    One can unite his or her suffering to that of Christ on the cross for their own sins or the sins of others
  • Christ chose to suffer and die for us in order to redeem us from our sins.
  • Redemptive Suffering: By bearing our pains with patience, offering our sufferings as a form of prayer, and enduring hardships we can grow in grace and virtue.
  • Christ is our example of how to suffer well and how to relieve the suffering of others.
  • Christ rose bodily from the dead.
  • What established the truth of everything Christ taught?
    his Resurrection
  • Christ's Resurrection fulfilled the Old Testament covenants & prophecies.
  • Invalid Ideas About the Resurrection
    Christ rose from the dead:
    1. As a spirit, with no body.
    2. As an apparition
    3. As an ordinary body, brought back to life
    4. As a feeling of the Apostles
  • After 40 days of instructing his apostles, Christ ascends to heaven
  • What happened 40 days after Christ gave instructions to his apostles?
    He ascended into Heaven
  • Christ's ascension: The definitive entrance of Christ’s humanity into God’s heavenly domain.
  • Jesus returns to the abode of the Triune God with his human, glorified, resurrected body.
  • What did Christ promise his apostles?
    1. To send the Holy Spirit (Paraclete) to guide the Church until the end of time
    2. Paraclete = advocate, counselor, helper
  • What was the effect of the H.S. on the apostolic Church?
    The Church began her public ministry on the day of Pentecost, which is when the H. S. descended on the apostles, enabling them to preach Christ boldly
  • Who is the Holy Spirit?
    • The 3rd person of the Blessed Trinity
    Never created
    Consubstantial with the Father & the Son
    • Proceeds from the Father and the Son
    • Spoke through the prophets
    • The “giver of life” b/c he gives life to people’s souls
  • What does the H.S. do for the Church?
    He infallibly guides her in the areas of faith and morals, until the end of time.
  • Pentecost: Greek word for “fifty”
  • What took place fifty days after the Passover?
  • What was the coming of the H.S.
  • What is the birthday of the Church?