when something has a knock on effect and leads to something else
Transnat corporation-
companies which operate in more than one country and often have their headquarters in a rich country
when you take great care
Sweat shop-
Factories where clothes are made which often have poor working conditions
Why do companies move to LICs? - Lower labour costs - Lower taxes - Lower wages
Why Did Burberry move to LICs? - To reduce costs - To take advantage of cheap labour
Why is globalisation good for some people but not others? Globalisation is good for some people because it allows them to access goods and services that they would not have been able to access before
Economy: the state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money
Economic potential of the DRC: 1. one of the strongest growth rates in Africa 2. Rich in natural resources 3. Business ratings have gone up (infrastructure) 4. more access to clean water