STAS - Historical Antecedents

Cards (209)

  • Ancient Times: Sumerian Civilization, Babylonian Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Greek Civilization, Roman Civilization, Arabic/Islamic Civilization, Chinese Civilization, Indus-Hindu Civilization, Persian Civilization
  • Sumerian Civilization: Cuneiform
  • Cuneiform - a set of word pictures depicted in symbols made of triangular marks.
  • Sumerian Civilization: Sexagesimal
  • Sexagesimal - using the number 60 as base, system of counting and a form of place notation.
  • Sumerian Civilization: Ziggurats
  • Ziggurats - Mountain of god, served as the sacred place of their chief god
  • Sumerian Civilization: Potter's wheel
  • Potter’s wheel - Wheeled vehicle made of solid wooden wheels on axles now regarded as the greatest mechanical invention of all time.
  • Sumerian Civilization: materia medica
  • materia medica - made up of assorted botanical, zoological and mineralogical ingredients
  • Sumerian Civilization: seed plow
  • Sumerian Civilization: sail boat
  • Sumerian Civilization: intricate system of canals, dikes, and reservoir
  • Sumerian Civilization: the city of uruk
  • the City of Uruk - a great wonder not only because it is considered to be the first true city in the world
  • Sumerian Civilization - divided the circle into 360 degrees
  • Sumerian Civilization: Developed advances mathematical functions to permit accurately plot and forecast
  • Sumerian Civilization: Zodiacal map of Sumer was used for practical mathematical and observational purposes.
  • Sumerian Civilization: Code of Ur-NAmmu
  • Code of Ur-NAmmu - the oldest surviving law in the world. It is the earliest existing legal text
  • Sumerian Civilization: Fabrication of copper
  • Babylonia - ancient region bordering the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Southern Iraq)
  • Nebuchadnezzar ordered the construction of the famous “Hanging Gardens of Babylon” and the Isthar Gate
  • Babylonian Civilization: They adopted the Sumerian sexagesimal system of counting in units, Ziggurat and cuneiform
  • Babylonian Civilization: Their measurements made use of fractions, squares and square roots.
  • Babylonian Civilization: Book-keeping
  • book-keeping, a simple but adequate system of double-entry accounting
  • Babylonian Civilization: Zodiac signs
  • Zodiac signs, concept of horoscope
  • Babylonian Civilization: prediction of solar and lunar eclipses
  • Babylonian Civilization: Jewelry making
  • Babylonian Civilization: Code of Hammurabi
  • Babylonian Civilization: The Babylonian Map of the World
  • Babylonian Civilization: Astrology
  • Astrology, the science of studying the position of celestial bodies.
  • Egypt- located in the Northeastern part of the African continent, a desert country thriving on an agricultural economy
  • Egyptian Civilization: hieroglyphics
  • The Egyptian writing was in the form of pictorial symbols known as hieroglyphics, representing individual objects or actions
  • Egyptian Civilization: They wrote with ink and brushes on paper made of papyrus reeds