Volcanism: All processes associated with discharge of magma, hot fluids, and gases
Magma: Molten material beneath the crust
Lava: Molten material on the surface of the crust
Compositionofmagma: common elements present in magma are the same elements that are in the earth's crust: Oxygen, Silica, Aluminum, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium
Basaltic/Mafic : type of magma that has the least amount of viscous, explosive, gas, and silica content highest temperature
Andesitic: in the middle of Basaltic and Rhyolitic
Rhyolitic/Silicic/Felsic: type of magma that has the highest amount of viscous, explosive, gas, and silica content lowest temperature
Pacificringoffire: also called Circum Pacific Belt
Partiallymeltedrock components: Molten rock, Potassium feldspar, Biotite, Hornblende
ConvergentVolcanism: A type of volcanism how volcanoes are formed collision of continental and Oceanic crust
DivergentVolcanism: A type of volcanism when oceanic crust are separated and the crack is filled by magma
Lahar: water and lava combination
FissureVolcano: Type of volcano the starting point of a volcano
ShieldVolcano: Wildest volcano type, it is slow hardening because it produces basaltic magma biggest type of volcano
DomeVolcano: Same as shield but is placed in colder places has a dome shape
Ash-Cinder Volcano: Made from ash and cinder makes pyroclastic material smallest volcano
CalderaVolcano: Type of volcano made from existing volcanoes, commonly from composite volcanoes
Composite Volcano: A type of volcano has silicic magma, most destructive due to build up and since it has pyroclastic material and has branch pipes
Effusive: Quiet erruption, lava flow
Explosive: more dangerous, more gases, pyroclastic flow
Innercore: layer of the earth solid has the greatest pressure and temperature made up of iron and nickle
Outercore: layer of the earth liquid same temperature as inner core but not the same pressure made up of iron and nickle
UpperMantle: layer of earth also known as asthenosphere made up of silica and iron is liquid pressure is not so high but has a higher temp than lower mantle
LowerMantle: layer of the earth solid has higher pressure than upper mantle but has a lower temperature compared to upper mantle
Volcanism: All processes associated with discharge of magma, hot fluids, and gases
Magma: Beneath the surface
Lava: On the surface
Igneous: crystalizing magma
Anatomy of Volcano:
Vent: inside of the volcano
Crater: the sides of the hole of the volcano
Conduit: carries magma from the magma chamber to the vent
Magma Chamber: Where magma is stored before eruption
Strombolianeruption: type of explosive eruption that has the smallest eruption
Vulcanian Eruption: Type of explosive eruption that has medium eruption
Plinian Eruption: Type of explosive eruption that has the biggest eruption
Pelean Eruption: Type of explosive eruption that explodes to the side
Hawaiian Eruption: Type of eruption thats effusive
Icelandic Eruption: Type of eruption thats effusive
Pahoehoe: Type of lava that is smooth and flows fast
A'a: Type of lava that is rough dark and flows slower
Convergentvolcanism: Highest number of eruption but has low lava production
Rift: Lowest number of eruption but has the most lava production
Hotspot: Has average number of eruption and lava production
Geothermal: Geo means "earth" Therme means "heat" It is heat stored deep within the earth that is from melted magma and the decay of radioactive substances
Geothermal Power Plant: Where heat from within the earth changes into steam which makes stream turbines to turn and generate electricity