Cards (251)

  • Eutrophication means filling up of water body with aquatic due to extra nourishment
  • Biochemical oxygen demand means dissolved O2 needed by microbes to decompose organic waste
  • The main components of photochemical smog are oxides of nitrogen
  • Deforestation generally decreases rainfall
  • Alpha diversity refers to community and ecosystem diversity
  • Endemic species are defined as an ecological state of a species being unique to a specific geographic location
  • 5th June is observed as World environment day
  • The Ecological pyramid that is always upright is the Pyramid of energy
  • The most stable ecosystem is the Ocean
  • Atmospheric ozone layer which protects us from UV-B & C is getting depleted most by addition of Chlorofluorocarbon
  • Important biotic factors that can affect the structure and organization of biological communities are predation, competition, disease
  • All of the following statements about ecology are correct except: Ecology is a discipline that is independent from natural selection and evolutionary history
  • Detritus food chain starts from dead organic matter
  • The term acid rain was coined by Robert Angus Smith
  • The damage caused by acid rain is due to corrosive nature of acid rain
  • Acid rain reacts with marble and limestone to form calcium sulphate
  • The ecological pyramid always starts with the Producer at the base
  • Coal is a non-renewable resource
  • Chipko movement was started to conserve Forests
  • Common to the techniques in vitro fertilization, Cryopreservation, and tissue culture is that all are ex situ conservation methods
  • Species diversity includes all the different kinds of living things found in a certain habitat
  • Biosphere reserve has the following zones: Core zone, Command zone, Buffer zone
  • Conservation of biodiversity outside the natural habitat is called Ex-situ
  • Causes of soil erosion include unrestricted grazing, over cultivation, deforestation
  • Red data book contains data of Threatened species
  • Coral reefs have the maximum diversity
  • Zoo is not included under in situ conservation
  • Hotspots are regions of high Endemism
  • A poisonous gas given out of vehicle's exhaust is Carbon monoxide
  • Yellowing of Taj Mahal is an effect of Acid rain
  • Pollutants that are easily manageable and decomposable in nature are called Biodegradable pollutants
  • BOD stands for Biological oxygen demand
  • Kyoto Protocol is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing global warming
  • Greenhouse gases include Methane, Water vapor, Carbon dioxide
  • Ozone day is observed on 16th September
  • A population is a group of individuals in a species
  • Sustainable development means meeting present needs without compromising on future needs
  • Energy flow in an ecosystem is Unidirectional
  • The upright pyramid of numbers is absent in Forests
  • The final stable community in ecological succession is Climax