
Cards (11)

  • Phylum Ctenophora Greek kteno, comb + phoros, to bear’
  • Diploblastic or possibly triploblastic, tissue-level organization
  • Biradial symmetry
  • Gelatinous, cellular mesoglea between the epidermal and gastrodermal tissue layers
  • True muscle cells develop within the mesoglea
  • Gastrovascular system, including two anal pores
  • Nervous system in the form of a nerve net
  • Tentaacles usually present with adhesive structures called colloblasts
  • Eight rows of ciliary bands, called comb rows, for locomotion
    • Simple nonparasitic animals.
    • The outer body consists of (dorsal) simple epithelium, which encloses a stellate cells resembling the mesenchyme. nonciliated glandular cells.
    • The ventral epithelium is composed of monocilated cells and
    • It feeds by secreting digestive enzymes into organic detritus.
    Trichoplax reproduces asexually, thru budding
    Triploblastic and acoelomate.
    • Mostly free-living in marine sediments.
    • They have a simple pharynx, incomplete gut, and mesodermal muscle cells.
    • Sense organs include statocysts and ocelli.
    • Reproduction is either by asexual fragmentation or by internal fertilization by monoecious pairs.
    • No excretory or respiratory structures.
    • Radial arrangement of nerves in their elongated body