Cards (19)

  • The information processing cycle consists of input, output, processing, storage and communication
  • Methods to make use of to categorize computer: Is the computer portable, non-portable or mobile. The usage for the computer
  • A computer system is a collection devices that functions together to perform a specific task.
  • Different types of computer systems include: non-portable computers which are large in size eg: a desktop computer. Portable computer which has less space and less battery eg: laptop
  • Computer systems for different users: Personal user: own personal use. SOHO user: works with more than one device. Power users: High range of hardware and software. Mobile users: any user with a mobile device.
  • role and use of data, information, and knowledge: Data- collection of raw facts. Information- raw facts are organized and used. Knowledge- making use of information
  • Why we make use of computers: To work on them. We use computers to communicate eg: Skype. We use computers for entertainment eg: games. We use computers to store information eg: Google.
  • Reasons for using computer: To Save paper , time labour- documents can be shared, no need to print hard copies anymore. Communication costs- making use of voip saves money. Effect on time and distanc- in using a computer there is no longer a barrier of time or distance
  • convergence is a trend where different technological systems are combined into one technological device
  • Inkjet printers: they are cheaper to purchase. But costs more when it comes to refilling the color catridges and it prints better quality
  • Laser printers: They print faster, they are cheaper to printer.
  • What to think of when buying a printer: -Your budge: how much can you spend on a printer.
    printer speed: how many pages per minute the printer prints.
    Cost Per Page: How much will it cost you per page to print a document
  • Printer Resolution: The amount of drops of ink that make up an image
  • printer resolution: The droplets are measured by counting the number of drops per inch- hence the term DPI (drops per inch)
  • Printer Resolution: The more drops of ink the are in an inch, the better the print quality.
  • Disadvantages of less DPI: not good qualite.
  • Advantage of less DPI: it is cheap
  • Disadvantages of more DPI: very expensive
  • Advantages of more DPI: Quality is good