Globalization means "the shift towards a more interconnected and interdependent world", covering all aspects of global politics, economics, and culture
Globalization is historically supported by conquest, ancient trade routes, and colonial explorations
Globalization is all about connections
In the business context, globalization refers to "the shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy"
National economies are no longer self-contained and isolated
Nations are moving towards a world in which barriers to trade are declining
Perceived distance is shrinking due to advancements in transportation and communication
Material culture is looking similar across the world
National economies are merging into an integrated global economic system
Volume of goods, services, and investment crossing national borders have expanded faster than world output
Businesses can expand revenue and reduce costs
Industries have transformed from manufacturing to service-oriented
Industries have become more efficient by creating anxiety in non-efficient workers
Facets of globalization include globalization of markets and globalization of production
Globalization of markets refers to "the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace"
Globalization of markets has resulted in the creation of regional trade blocs and convergence of consumer taste and preferences
Globalizing one's markets does not mean losing the distinctiveness of one's national market
Globalization of production refers to "the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production"
Globalization of production encourages outsourcing to more efficient manufacturers abroad
Drivers of globalization include declining barriers to trade and investment, and advancements in technology
Beggar-thy-neighbour policies were commonly used in the early days to improve one's own economy at the expense of other countries
Communication technology advancements include higher power and lower cost microprocessors, wireless technology, and fiber optics
The global internet has unified the world, blurred national distinctions, and created a platform for trade between suppliers and buyers
Transportation technology advancements include commercial jets, super freighters, and containerization
Implications of technology advancements include lower cost of information processing, lower freight costs, and enablement of electronic marketplaces
The 20th century was the American century, with the U.S. economy peaking between 1960-1969
In the 21st century, Asia's economy is rising, with China overtaking Japan in 2009
Removal of national trade barriers has led to the rise of Asia as an economic powerhouse and the emergence of new economies
Governments seek to improve their economies through membership in global institutions like the United Nations and G20
Global institutions manage, regulate, and police the marketplace, and promote multinational treaties for governing the global business system
The World Trade Organization facilitates trade and manages trading relationships between member nations
The International Monetary Fund maintains order in the monetary system and acts as a lender-of-last-resort for countries with severe economic and financial problems
The World Bank promotes economic development by giving low-interest loans to poor governments
The United Nations fosters peace, international cooperation, and harmonizing the actions of nations
The G20 was established to launch a coordinated policy response to financial crises across nations
The globalization debate includes discussions on globalization and jobs, income, labor, environment, national sovereignty, and world poverty
Managing an international business is different from managing a domestic business due to various factors