Unit 11

Cards (24)

  • fringe benefits - benefits that are not included in the salary of an employee and are not subject to income tax
  • redundancies
  • supply and demand
  • boom and slump
    подъем и спад
  • assets and liabilities
    активы и обязательства
  • income and expenditure
  • mergers and acquisitions
    слияния и поглощения
  • mortgages and loans
    ипотеки и займы
  • creditors and debtors
  • bankruptcy
    the failure of a business
  • counterfeit goods, pirate DVDs, fake goods

    not genuine/original products
  • turnover
  • recession, slump
    a period of negative growth
  • subsidiaries
    дочерние компании
  • balance of trade
    торговый баланс
  • escalate, is well up, booming, sustained growth, reach a peak
    upward trend
  • plunging (падающие) profits, decreasing, slump, drop sharply, plummet, reduced

    downward trend
  • as long as/suppose(ing)/what if/even if/unless
    alternatives to "if"
  • concede
    признать, уступить
  • BATNA - Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
  • abstention
  • collision
  • elimination
  • instigation