Daily Life Under Japanese

Cards (4)

  • Shortages
    -War disrupted trade
    -Most resources channeled to Japanese war efforts
    -Ice, salt &sugar were rationed and could only be bought with coupons
    -Caused drastic inflation -> black market (high prices for basic neccessities)
    -Japanese tried to solve it with banana notes but printed too many -> worthless at the end of JO
  • Disease & Death
    -Healthcare and sanitation worsened -> weakened by food shortage
    -130,000 deaths recorded in 3 years -> beriberi, pnuemonia, dysentary (main causes)
    -POWs had harsh living conditions
    -Food & medicine shortages
    -5,000 living in place built for 600 (overcrowding)
    -Poor Hygeine
    -Forced labour
    -> Bury dead / build shrines
    -> Clean damage
    -> “Death Railway” -> 16,000 died working there
  • Relocations
    -People were encouraged to strive for self-sufficiency due to shortages (did not work)
    -Japanese began to relocate people to other settlements
    -Endav settlement was suitable for agriculture but Bahav Settlement was not suitable for agriculture
  • Leisure and Entertainment
    -Japanese wanted to maintain the appearance of a happy, harmonious society
    -> introduced radio programmes
    -> screened Japanese movies & documentaries
    -> free open-air viewing of propaganda shows
    -Encouraged sports & cultural activites to relieve war-time stress
    -POWs organised & participated in social, religous & sporting activites to keep spirits up
    -Newpaper, theatre performances, church services and mural paintings at Changi Chapel