Producers (autotrophs) are typically plants or algae that produce their ownfood using photosynthesis and form the first trophic level in a food chain
Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar
Photosynthesis occurs in plants and some algae
Plants need light energy, CO2, and H2O to make sugar
Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts, specifically using chlorophyll, the green pigment involved in photosynthesis
Biomass contains energy first derived from the sun: Plants absorb the sun’senergy through photosynthesis and convertcarbondioxide and water into nutrients (carbohydrates)
Aerobic respiration needs oxygen, while anaerobic respiration does not
Carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste products
Most reactions of aerobic respiration happen inside mitochondria, tiny organelles inside the cytoplasm of the cell
In every reaction, there are 2 types of energy: useful and wasted
Wasted energy, such as thermal or heat energy, is produced as a byproduct of respiration reactions
Most organisms cannot respire without oxygen, but some can continue to respire anaerobically if oxygen runs out
Human muscle can respire anaerobically for short periods of time, even though it is relatively inefficient
Some plants and fungi like yeast can respire anaerobically
In yeast cells, glucose is converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide in anaerobic respiration