Contract of Sale is a contract where one party obligates to transfer ownership and deliver a determinate thing, while the other party agrees to pay a certain price in money or its equivalent
Contract of Sale can be absolute or conditional
Characteristics of a Contract of Sale:
Consensual: Perfected by mere consent of the parties
Principal: Can exist independently
Commutative: Values exchanged are almost equivalent
Bilateral: Both parties have reciprocal obligations
Onerous: Both parties give valuable considerations
Nominate: Has a name provided by the law
Elements of Sale:
Essential Elements:
1. Consent: Seller agrees to transfer and deliver, buyer agrees to pay
2. Object: Refers to the determinate thing
3. Cause/Consideration: Refers to a price certain in money or its equivalent
Natural Elements:
Warranty against eviction
Warranty against hidden defects
Accidental Elements:
Time and place of payment
Sale distinguished from Dacion en Pago:
Sale: No pre-existing credit, creates obligations
Dacion en Pago: Pre-existing credit, extinguishes obligations