The functions of business are; Production, Marketing, Finance, Personnel, Research & Development.
Production function = Make sure you have enoughmaterials to producegoods & services
Marketing function = promotetheproduct, transportingproducts to customers, takingcustomersorders.
Finance function = required to form a business and to fund its operations.
Personnel function = required to provideemployment
Research & Development function = ensures that they keep abreast of what is happening.
The functions of management are; Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling, Co-ordinating, Delegating, Motivating, Industrial relations.
Planning = involves lookingahead; makingdecisions and formulating policy on intentions and objectives of the organization.
Organizing = ensuring that workers can get on with their job by making sure that people, materials and machinery are available in the right place.
Directing = giving instructions to workers so that they're clear as to how their work should be done.
Controlling = supervising and checking the activities and performance of subordinates to ensure that instructions are being carried out properly
Co-ordinating = directing and integrating the activities of the team under management'sdirectsupervision.
Delegating = involves assigningtasks or goals to subordinates whilst at the same time granting them necessary authority to carry out the tasks.
Motivating = encouraging other members of the organization to carry out their tasks properly and effectively.
Industrial relations = relationship between employees and employers.
The management is responsible for customers, employees, theboss, and shareholders.
The two types of groups are informal and formal
A group depends on the leader, individuals and the objectiveofthegroup.
The types of leadership are: Authoritarian, Participative, Laissez-faire, and Charismatic
Authoritarian leadership has one main leader of the group and doesn't take advice.
Participativeleadership is when the leadertakesadvice
Laissez-faire leadership allows those being lead to make the decisions
Charismatic leadership is when a leader leads their group based on a usuallystrong personality.
Teamwork is people working together in a group to achieve a common goal
Teamwork is important in the workplace to ensure workers work in a pleasant environment and to achieve the company's goals quicker
The levels of management are; Employees, Supervisory, Middle and Senior Management. (bottom to top)
A chain of command is a pyramid that shows the lines of communication between the person in the supervisory position and their subordinates.
A span of control is the number of subordinates a manager supervises or the effective limit to the number of others that a manager can supervise efficiently.
Internal economiesofscale occur because of various factorswithin the business, and these factors are related to its size.External scale refers to the benefitsgained by all the businesses in a particular industry.