Cards (35)

  • FTP (Data) - 20 TCP
  • FTP (CONTROL) - 21 TCP
  • SSH (Secure Shell Protocol) - 22 TCP
  • TelNet - 23 TCP
  • SMTP - 25 TCP
  • DNS - 53 UDP
  • DHCP (Server Port) - 67 UDP
  • DHCP ( Client Port) - 68 UDP
  • TFTP - 69 UDP
  • HTTP - 80 TCP
  • POP3 - 110 TCP
  • HTTPS - 443 TCP
  • Well-known ports
    0 - 1023
  • Registered ports
    1024 - 49151
  • Dynamic/Private ports
    49152 - 65535
  • OSI Transport Layer Purpose
    identifying the different applications, tracking individual communications, data segmentation, segment reassemble, flow control, error checking and recovery
  • Protocols involve in Layer 4
    Transmission Control Protocol and User Datagram Protocol
  • Ports are assigned by
    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
  • TCP Header fields
    Source port, destination port, sequence number, acknowledgement number, data offset, reserved, flag, window size, checksum, urgent, option, application layer data
  • port numbers identify which _ of application layer is in use
  • Sender side: Segmentation, Receiver side: _
  • flow control which enables the receiver to not be overwhelm is perform only by _
  • flow control is done using what field in tcp header?
    window size
  • Error checking
    tcp and udp
  • recovery
  • which field indicate if specific data is received of not
    acknowledgement number
  • use to ensure reliability
    sequence number and acknowledgement number
  • size of the tcp header is in what field
    data offset
  • types of flags
    synchronize, acknowledgement, finish, reset, push, urgent
  • if the data send is not correct, receiver side will_
    drop it
  • header length + application data
    window size
  • a mechanism to check integrity of data
  • udp header fields
    source port, destination port, length, checksum
  • pertains to the information in the headers
  • randomly generated ports
    dynamic or private ports