Foren 5

Cards (32)

  • POLYGRAPHY is the scientific method of detecting deception using polygraph. It is also called as polygraph science.
  • POLYGRAPH is an instrument for the recording of changes in blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration and skin resistance as indication of emotional disturbances especially of lying when questioned.
  • The word derived from two greek POLY means MANY and GRAPHE means WRITING. Literally means MANY WRITINGS.
  • POLYGRAPH TEST it is the actual test whereby the reactions of the subject on a specific stimulus are being recorded using the polygraph instrument.
  • POLYGRAPH EXAMINER/POLYGRAPHIST is the expert in polygraph science who uses polygraph instrument to verify truthfulness of a subjects statement or testimony. Other descriptions for the examiner are polygraphist, forensic psychophysiologys (FP) and polygraph examiner (PE).
  • DETECTION it is an act of discovery of existence, presence of fact or something hidden or obscure.
  • LIE refers to uttering intentionally false statement, falsehood, anything that deceives or creates false impression, to make a true statement knowingly especially with intent to deceive and to give an erroneous or misleading impression.
  • LYING the uttering or conveying of falsehood or creating a false or misleading information with the intention of affecting wrongfully the acts and opinion of other.
  • LIAR refers to a person who utters intentionally a false statement.
  • CHART OR POLYGRAMS is the polygraph chart tracings obtained from a subject. It consists of polygraph chart and the tracings (or recorded physiological responses) of a subject from specific stimuli.
  • SUBJECT it refers to the person to be (or being) examined, usually a suspected criminal. The subject is also called EXAMINEE.
  • SPECIFIC RESPONSE is any deviation from the normal tracing of the subject.
  • NORMAL TRACING is a tracing on the chart wherein the subject answered in the irrelevant question.
  • RED HOT IRON ORDEAL the accused had to carry a bar of red hot iron in his hands while he walked 9 mark paces. In the unlikely event of no burns appearing on his hands, he was adjudged innocent . Otherwise, he was promptly hanged.
  • ORDEAL BY BALANCE a scale is used, in one end of the scale the accused is placed and in the other end is a counterbalance. The person will step out of the scale and listen to a judge to deliver an exhortation on the balance and get back in, if he was found lighter than before, then he should be acquitted.
  • ORDEAL BY WATER there are two kinds of ordeal by water and of cold water. Boiling water odeal and cold-water ordeal
  • ORDEAL BY RICE CHEWING it is performed with a kind of rice called SATHEE, prepared with various incantations (prayers or chants). The person on trial eats the sathee, with the face to east and then spits upon a pea leaf. If saliva is mixed with blood or the corner of his mouth swells or he trembles, he is declared to be a liar.
  • ORDEAL BY COMBAT the aggrieved party claimed the right to fight the alleged offender or to pay a champion to fight for him. The victor is said to win not by own strength but because of supernatural powers that had intervened on the side of the right, as in the dual in the european ages in which the judgement of god was thought to determine the winner. Still alive after the combat, the loser might be hanged or burned for criminal offense or have a hand cut off and property confiscated in civil action
  • ORDEAL OF THE CORSNAED (ORDEAL BY BLESSED BREAD) a priest puts the corsnaed or hallowed bread into the mouth of the accused, with various imprecations (prayers). If the accused swallowed it, he was freed from punishment.
  • TEST OF THE EUCHARIST this was applied chiefly among the clergies and monks. When they took the host, it was believed the god would smite the guilty with sickness or death. Others believe that if the accused is innocent, when given a poisonous drink for him to take in, Angel Gabriel will descend from heaven to prevent the accused from taking in the poisonous drink.
  • ORDEAL OF THE BIER it was an ancient belief that the slain dead could point out their killer. In england, it was customary for the accused approach the bier on which the corpse lay, in view of the witness, the wounds of the victims were observed to see if they began to bleed again. They believe that murderer is near, which causes the blood to flow out from the wound of the victim. This ordeal was recorded well by shakespeare in Richard III.
  • ORDEAL OF THE NEEDLE a red-hot needle was drawn through the lips of the alleged criminal and if blood flowed from the wound, he was deemed guilty; but if none, he is innocent.
  • ORDEAL BY HEAT AND FIRE the accused walked barefooted over coals of fire.
  • TRIAL OF THE CROSS (TEST OF THE CROSS ORDEAL) the accuser and the accused where place under the cross with their arms extended or crosswise and the first to move his hands or suffer them to fall was held guilty.
  • TRIAL OF THE WAXEN SHIRT the accused was dressed in cloth covered with wax and walked barefooted over coals of fire. If he was unhurt by the fire and the wax did not melt, he was considered innocent.
  • HEREDITARY SIEVE METHOD beans were thrown into the sieve as the name of the suspect was called, mentioned this ordeal. If the beans jump out of the sieve, the owner of the sieve is innocent. If the beans remained in the sieve the person named is a thief.
  • DONKEY'S TAIL ORDEAL the donkey is placed in one room alone and observed it, and if the donkey cried the accused is guilty of the crime, because deep inside and his conscience, he is guilty.
  • ORDEAL OF THE TIGER the accused and accuser are place on a cage of a tiger, if the tiger spare one of them he is considered innocent.
  • TRIAL BY TORTURE the accused was put into a severe physical test.
  • DRINKING ORDEAL the accused was given a decoction to drink by the priest, if innocent; no harm befalls him, but if guilty, will die. The ordeal was practiced in nigeria, brahamic india and india.
  • WAGER OF BATTLE involves a pledge to engage in a battle, especially in order to establish guilt or innocence by single combat, he will go in a battle in order to prove his innocence.
  • CROCODILE ORDEAL the accused would cross a river full of crocodiles, if he reached the other side unharmed then he deemed innocent.