St. John Baptist de La Salle's name means 'God is gracious' (John)
St. John Baptist de La Salle's parents were, Louis de La Salle and Nicolle Moët de Brouillet.
St. John Baptist de La Salle was born on April 30, 1651, in Rheims, France.
St. John Baptist's feast day is celebrated on the April7.
He died on April 7, 1719, Rouen, France.
He was beatified on February 19, 1888.
He was an ordained priest on April 9, 1678.
He is the proclaimed patron saint of teachers on May 15, 1950.
He was canonized on May 24, 1900.
Adrian Nyel is a layman who had worked in Rouen for many years, providing schooling for the poor. A teacher who convinced de La Salle to be a teacher for indigentboys.
De La Salle University was established on 1911 by the Catholic teaching congregation Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Brother Henri is the brother of de La Salle who got ill and died.
'Brothers' is what de La Salle calls their teachers.