Cards (62)

  • were the movements after the rococo period
    neoclassicism and romanticism
  • neo
  • classicus
    first class
  • the western movement in decorative and visual arts
  • neoclassicism influenced by
    classical art and culture of ancient greece and ancient rome
  • coincided with neoclassical movement
    18th century age of reason/enlightenment
  • neoclassical art pieces such as paintings, sculptures, and architecture generally portrayed
    roman history which elevated roman heroes
  • created after but inspired by ancient times
  • greek and roman principles and styles were reflected in society
  • gave great importance to costumes, settings, and details of classical subject-matter without adding distracting details but with as much historical accuracy
    neoclassical painters
  • neo-classical artists
    Jacques-Louis David
    Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
  • Influencial French painter in the neoclassical style
    pre-eminent painter of the erasubjects of paintings were more on history
    Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)
  • famous artworks of jacques-louis david
    the death of marat
    napoleon crossing the alps
    oath of the horatti
  • was a pupil of jacques-louis david
    influenced by italian renaissance painters like raphael, nicolas pousin, botticelli, and jacques-louis david
    usually nudes, portraits and mythological themes
    one of the great exemplars of academic art
    one of the finest old masters of his era
    Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867)
  • famous artworks of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
    portrait of napoleon on the imperial throne
    the apotheosis of homer
  • great ages of public sculpture
    neoclassical period
  • neo classical sculptors
    Antonio Canova
    Bertel Thorvaldsen
  • prolific italian artist and sculptor
    famous for his marble sculptures that delicately rendered nude flesh
    portraying discrete sexual pleasures by using pure contours with his mythological compositions

    Antonio Canava
  • famous artworks of antonio canova
    psyche awakened by cupid's kiss
  • first intentionally acclaimed Danish artist
    sculptures for mythological and religious themes characters

    Bertel Thorvaldsen
  • famous artworks of bertel thorvaldsen
    Lion of Lucerne
  • mid-18th century
    turned away from the grandeur of rococo style and the late baroque
    derived from architecture of classical greence and rome and italian architect Andrea Palladio
    Neoclassical Architecture
  • Types of neoclassical architecture
    temple style
    palladian style
    classical block style
  • based on ancient temple
    uncommon during renaissance
    temple style
  • continuous line of columns around a building
    rare feature of renaissance architecture
  • famous temple style of neoclassical age

    pantheon, paris
    british museum, london
    la madeleine de paris
  • railing with vertical supports along the edge on the roof
  • vertical supports of balustrade

    balusters or spindles
  • Based on Andrea Palladio's style of villa construction
    classical method of crowing a building that has a flat or low lying roof
    palladian style
  • known palladian architect of neoclassical
    designed two well known American civic buildings - the white house and the united states capitol
    Robert Adam
  • rectangular or square plan, with a flat roof and an exterior rich in classical detail
    exterior features repeated classical pattern or series of arches and/or columns
    huge classically decorated rectangular block
    aka "Beaux-Art style"
    developed by French Ecole des Beaux-Arts (School of Fine Arts)
    flourished in New York
    classical block style
  • famous classical block style architects
    Henri Labrouste
    Charles Garnier
  • library of sainte-genevieve
    henri labrouste
  • designed most classical block
    palais garnier (a Neobaroque opera house)

    Charles Garnier
  • more classical block
    new york public library
    boston public library
  • expression of emotion, both subtle and stormy
    embraced number of distinctive themes such as longing for history, super-natural elements, social injustices, and nature
  • became popular due to the people's romantic adoration of nature
    landscape painting
  • characteristics of romanticism
    height of action
    emotional extremes
    celebrated nature as out of control
    dramatic compositions
    heightened sensation (life and death moments)
  • emphasis on emotion
    romantic painting
  • first French master and the leader of French realistic school
    his masterpieces were energetic, powerful, brilliantly colored, and tightly composed.
    Jean louis Theodore Gericault (1791-1924)